Vince Gilligan On What Happens to Walter White's Family | Fireside Chat | Breaking Bad

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What ends up happening to Skyler, Walt Jr. and Holly? Does Walt die happy? Chris Hardwick gets the answers straight from Vince Gilligan.

Breaking Bad Creator Vince Gilligan sits for a signature YouTube Fireside Chat At YouTube Space LA with Comedian, Host, and Nerdist founder/CEO Chris Hardwick to discuss Breaking Bad’s 10th anniversary. Vince revisits pivotal moments in the history of Breaking Bad, both in front of and behind the camera, adding new insight and detail to the experience of making the show while also sharing his perspectives on storytelling gleaned throughout his career.

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Walter Jr didn't want the money because he knew it was connected to his dad.
Then he realized how much breakfast he could buy with it.


Walter was still proud of himself at the end for what he was capable of doing. Pride is also what drove him throughout the show.


I like to imagine that Flynn writes a book later in life about hank because of that talk they had about never hearing about the good guys


Walt was such a bad person by season 5 that they had to introduce actual Nazis as the antagonistic force of the season in order to make the audience have an ounce of sympathy for Walt.


Flynn lives to become a director and script writer, and turns his life’s events into one of the most successful TV shows ever: Breaking Dad


Too bad we never got to see how Walt's mother felt about all of how she looked like.


Skylar probably wrote a book about what it was like to be married to a drug lord


I was wondering about this. It's nice to know they actually give Flynn the money


Walt Jr is probably more sad about Hank and misses Hank more lol. Guy always looked up to Hank more than his own father. One of the many reasons Walter broke bad


I love artist saying "In my mind", "in my way of thinking", "I believe this happens". Because they understand that they are not the be all end all of the interpretation of a piece of art. It is a collaboration, an exchange of ideas between the audience and the artist. Your experience as an audience, what you think happened is not muted or wrong, even if you disagree with the artist in some aspects.


i think the Marie character could be quite interesting she
had a loose grip on reality
without Hank she might go off the rails


That was Walt's fundamental mistake. He believed that his role as Provider was more important than his role as Example


It's a bittersweet yet perfect ending for Walt. Vince kept it exactly right to the last moment. His marriage is over, he helps his wife. He says goodbye to Holly, he sees Walt Jnr one last time but can not speak to him and knows the young man now hates him. He saves Jesse, he defeats Jack, he sees Todd die, he ends Lydia, he avenges Hank, he has lived and will die on his own terms, not as a victim of cancer...but he has had to do terrible things he never wanted to do and he is still going to die. He's both a heroic and tragic figure, a monster, a clown, a clever man and a fool, but it's uplifting to see him do it his own way, right to the very last breath.


I always thought that he was proud of Jesse for having the lab set up correctly and satisfied that he taught him well


One things this amazing series teaches is that no matter how awful someone is at their core, there’s someone else out there far worse.
Evil knows no limitations.


I wish all the very best for Vince Gilligan in his future career. What a story teller!


They should do a fake short of "Flynn Begins" with Walt Jr and Holly for like a twenty year anniversary.


Walt probably wasn't happy, but he was content. He "saved" Jesse, avenged Hank, and provided for his family.
And, as Fring said: "A man provides. And he does it even when he's not appreciated, or respected, or even loved. He simply bears up and he does it. Because he's a man."
And that's exactly what happened.


I think the final song sums walts final feelings perfectly.
"Guess i got what i deserved"


I like to think that when Gretchen and Elliot, still fearful for their lives, do give Flynn the money on his 18th, Skylar has a mere suspicion that Walt had something to do with it (she has this 6th sense throughout the show I feel). The final shot would be Skylar holding onto Holly’s hand with her eyes showing us that even though Holly’s future is secured like he wanted, Walt would never be remembered as her father, only as the monster he became.
