FTB Infinity- Ep.72 - Enderium Ingot's Automated!

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FTB Infinity, A Mod Pack from FTB containing, 155+ Mods, making it one of the the biggest FTB 1.7.10 Minecraft Mod pack!

Follow Me Everywhere:


This pack contains the following mods by default:
Forge/FML by LexManos, cpw
Advanced Solar Panels by SeNtiMeL
AOBD 2 by ganymedes01
Applied Energistics by AlgorithX2
Aroma1997Core by Aroma1997
AromaBackup by Aroma1997
Baubles by Azanor
Bdlib by bdew
Better Title Screen by Girafi, amadornes
BiblioCraft by Nuchaz
Big Reactors by Erogenous Beef
Binnie's Mods by Binnie
Biomes O' Plenty by TDWP_FTW, Adubbz
Blood Magic by WayofTime
Botania by Vazkii
Buildcraft by CovertJaguar, SirSengir, Krapht, cpw, spacetoad
Carpenter's Blocks by Mineshopper
ChickenChunks by Chickenbones
CodeChickenCore by Chickenbones
CodeChickenLib by Chickenbones
CoFH Core by CoFH team
ComputerCraft by dan200
DenseOres by RWTema
Draconic Evolution by brandon3055
Ender Tech by Drayshak
Ender Zoo by CrazyPants
EnderIO by CrazyPants
EnderStorage by Chickenbones
Extra Utilities by RWTema
ExtraTiC by Glassmaker
FastCraft by Player
FastLeafDecay by Olafski
Forestry by SirSengir
Forge Multipart by Chickenbones
Funky Locomotion by RWTema
Gendustry by bdew
Gravitation Suite by SeNtiMeL
HarvestCraft by MatrexsVigil, Rhodox
Hat Stand by iChun
Hats by iChun
iChunUtil by iChun
IndustrialCraft 2 by IC2 Dev Team
InfiniBows by Myrathi
INpure Core by denoflionsx
Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
IronChests by cpw
JABBA by ProfMobius
JourneyMap by techbrew
LogisticsPipes by davboecki, AartBluestoke, ArtForz, GUIpsp, theZorro266
Magic Bees by MysteriousAges
Mantle by mDiyo, progwml6
Mapwriter by mapwriter
MineFactory Reloaded by skyboy026, powercrystals
MineTweaker by StanH
MobiusCore by ProfMobius
Mystcraft by XCompWiz
Natura by mDiyo
NEI Addons by bdew
NEI Integration by Tonius
NetherOres by skyboy026, powercrystals
Not Enough Items by Chickenbones
Not Enough Keys by Mr_okushama
Nuclear Control by shedar
OpenBlocks by Mikeemoo
OpenModsLib by Mikeemoo
OpenPeripheral Core by Mikeemoo
Opis by ProfMobius
Project Red by MrTJP, Chickenbones
Railcraft by CovertJaguar
Redstone Arsenal by TeamCoFH
RFtools by McJty
Runic Dungeons by MrComputerGhost
Simply Jetpacks by Tonius
Solar Expansion by TedTheRusSB624
Springboards by Galoubet
Steve's Carts 2 by Vswe
Steve's Factory Manager by Vswe
Steve's Workshop by Vswe
Super Crafting Frame by EdgarAllen
Thaumcraft by Azanor
Thaumcraft NEI Plugin by DjGiannuzz
Thaumic Tinkerer by pixlepix, nekosune, vazkii
Thermal Expansion by CoFH team
Thermal Foundation by TeamCoFH
TiC Tooltips by squeek502
Tinker's Construct by boni, mDiyo
Tinker's Mechworks by mDiyo
Translocators by Chickenbones
ttCore by tterrag
Twilight Forest by Benimatic
Waila by ProfMobius
Waila Harvestability by squeek502
Wawla by Darkhax
Wireless Redstone CBE by Chickenbones
Witchery by Emoniph
Рекомендации по теме

Put the blaze rods in the SAG mill you get more blaze powder and a byproduct of sulfur! But you already knew that right Isaac?


This has been one of my favourite FTB Infinity let's plays. Please keep making them ☺


You can put blaze rods in the pulverizer or the sag mill and get 4 blaze powder as well as a 50% percent chance of getting sulfur


umm, Isaac I think the grinders can be upgraded like your wheat farms to the point you could probably have all three areas covered by one grinder but your way works as well. Can't wait for more videos to see what happens next.


if you put a crafting pattern for the Enderium blend in the Fluid Assembler from Extra Cells it will allow you to auto-craft it without needing a bucket of resonant ender, simply store Resonant Ender in a drive or hook a storage bus on tank with Resonant Ender

the method above also works for any (only) crafting recipe that has a bucket of Liquid in it, like Chisel 2 lava & water stone and Vanilla Cakes

the EIO route is just way too slow because it takes a around a minute for the Alloy Smelter to make one Enderium even with an Octadic Capacitor


You should use draconic spawners instead, they have a faster spawn rate, and work when you aren't around


Hey Isaac,
You only get 32 Channels in total! from the P2P tunnel that is hooked up to the controller, so you will run into channel problems soon. I would suggest using "transfer nodes/item ducts" to  pull from all chests at the spawner's to one single chest and have One "import bus" hooked up to that. For the pulverizers etc i'd suggest using 2 Chests, one attached to an interface, the other to an import bus and item ducts going from the Chest with the interface to your processing machines. With this method you can expand infinitely without having to use more channels.


Enjoying the series.

Just wanted to point out that since you already using p2p tunnels for AE channels, you could also use p2p for power as well.


Blazes drop sulfur from Thermal Expansion!


Nice. Just loaded YouTube and here it is.


you should try to make draconic evolution spawners, very op spawn rates


you going to continue with Thaumcraft or Botania at any point? Also to autocraft something in the AE System you don't have to pull everything out: you can simply middle click and if you Shift-Scroll with the mouse wheel on the charm of dislocation you can cycle between the destinations.


You have over 6000 Sulfur in your ME System. Or is it something else ? Because I think that's why you can't see the Extractor make Sulfur, because it already has other type of Sulfur in the system. The Autocrafting is Ore Dictionary compatible, so if there is like "dustSulfur" in the system, it will use that to craft. (If the mod authors added Ore Dictionary to his Sulfur Dusts)


issac are you going to do hermitcraft modsauce 2 ?


your understanding of AE channels is slightly flawed. When your P2P tunnel (Input) is right up against your controller its pumpint 32 channels into it. When you hookup "output" P2P busses, all the busses hooked up to that one imput can only use a TOTAL of 32 channels. not up to 32 each.


Isaac, why do you take so long to automate things? xD


If you need to import stuff to your ME system i'd use ender chests so you don't waste your channels.


En-deer-rium. All one fluid motion not Ende... Rium. You say it as if they were almost 2 separate words. They're not =). And can't grinders take upgrades to increase their range?


Damn, I need some water..Because I am second (Get it?..First...No) I"'ll go poop in a bucket and throw it out the window now
