Justin Bieber - Peaches (Marina Vavoura) | Blinds | The Voice of Germany 2021

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Marina ist 17 Jahre alt und eher der introvertierte Typ. Dennoch will sie den Menschen da draußen ihre Musik zeigen. Dabei muss sie sich nicht verstecken, denn es gibt einen Grund, warum Marina es zu "The Voice of Germany" 2021 geschafft hat: Mit dem Sommer-Hit "Peaches" von Justin Bieber, Daniel Caesar und Giveon schafft sie es, die Coaches vom Hocker zu hauen. Für wen wird sie sich entscheiden?

Seht euch hier die Performance von Marina Vavoura zu dem Song "Peaches" von Justin Bieber feat. Daniel Caesar & Giveon an!



"The Voice of Germany" 2021

Nach den Blind Auditions, bei denen die Talente allein durch ihren Gesang überzeugen müssen und darauf hoffen, dass ein oder mehrere Coaches für sie buzzern, werden die Sängerinnen und Sänger von ihren Coaches betreut. Sie nehmen sich Zeit, um die Talente besser kennenzulernen, ihre Stärken auszufeilen und an Schwächen zu arbeiten. Dabei erhalten die Talente wichtige Ratschläge und Tipps, denn ab jetzt gilt es, sich gegen die anderen starken Musiker durchzusetzen.

In den folgenden Shows müssen die Talente die Battles und die Sing-Offs bestehen. Dabei singen sie gegeneinander und müssen als Besserer hervorgehen. In jeder Folge kommen nur einige Talente weiter, bis im Finale der Gewinner von den Zuschauern gewählt wird.

In Staffel 11 von "The Voice of Germany" nimmt die Soulsängerin und Songwriterin zum ersten Mal auf einem der roten Stühle Platz. Daneben feiert auch Sänger und Songwriter Johannes Oerding sein Debut am Buzzer. Sarah Connor und Johannes Oerding buhlen in den Blind Auditions an der Seite von Mark Forster und Nico Santos um die Gunst der besten Talente.


#VoiceOfGermany #MarkForster #NicoSantos #SarahConnor #JohannesOerding

Рекомендации по теме

Ich komme noch nicht ganz darauf klar, wie viele liebe Kommentare hier stehen! DANKE an jeden einzelnen!❤️


Das Duett mit Nico hätte auch perfekt ins Finale gepasst. Wahnsinn wie gut das harmoniert!


Ihr eigener Song ist unfassbar emotional!


Wie süß einfach die Mutter und die Schwester sind. Super humble zurückhaltend. Sehr sympathisch


Wow! Sie hat eine unglaublich schöne Stimme! Es hat so gut harmoniert, als sie mit Nico seinen so emotionalen Song gesungen hat!


Mark gibt immer wieder so gute konstruktive Kritik. Ich würde ihm wünschen, dass mehr zu ihm gehen.


Es sollten mehr Leute zu Mark gehen, der Kerl kann einfach so wichtige und konstruktive Kritik freundlich und motivierend verpacken!!! :-)


Ich war nach ihrer ersten Performance von peaches nicht soo begeistert (also ich fand es gut aber nicht außergewöhnlich), aber als sie ihren eigenen song gesungen hat, hatte ich Gänsehaut, den Text konnte ich so gut nachvollziehen. Und das Duett mit Nico dannach war die Kirsche auf der Sahnetorte, einfach wunderschön


Die Hilflosigkeit in ihrem Blick, als Nico direkt nach dem zweiten Ton drückt ist pures Gold!! <3


Nico hat die falsche Entscheidung getroffen! Für mich persönlich warst du die beste bei den Blind Auditions und ich hätte so gerne mehr von dir bei The Voice gesehen. Kopf hoch Marina, und danke für die tolle Musik! 😊


Deutschland hat so viele krasse Talente, das ist echt unglaublich.


Marina ist bisher die erste in der STaffel die mich zum Heulen gebracht hat - so toll!!!


Ich fand sie schon bei Peaches krass, aber man merkt einfach wie wichtig die Songauswahl ist. Ihr eigener Song ist einfach ultra krass! Das sind Songs, die zu ihr zu 1000% passen und die sie in Zukunft singen muss. Wenn sie richtig gecoacht wird und coole Songs bekommt, wird sie sehr weit kommen. Meine Favoritin und The Voice of Germany 2021!


Mark: Magst du uns mal was vorspielen
Marina: Ja klar
Johannes: Bitte nicht...


This girls good .. choosing the right songs makes her a finalist


This girl doesn't sound human....She sounds like a angel-!


Als Nico sich schnell umdrehte, konnte man an ihrer Reaktion und der Reaktion ihrer Mutter erkennen, dass dies eine sehr bescheidene Familie ist, auch ihr eigener Song ist sehr aussagekräftig, wenn man den Text versteht.


*starting **1:57*
Nico: That was amazing!
Marina's mum: I can't believe it, I absolutely can't! Thanks!
Thore (moderator): Congratulations!
Marina's mum: Thank you so much!
Nico: Hello! What's your name, how old are you, where are you from?
Marina: Hi, I'm Marina, I'm 17 years old and I live near the city of Stuttgart.
Nico: You're 17?!
Marina: Yes.
Nico: Wow!! You're 17 and you have so much soul in your voice.
Marina: Oh, thanks.
Nico: You're doing your A-levels now, am I right?
Marina: I'm in 11th grade now, yes.
Nico: Cool. Yeah, I still remember that time... *turns to coach Mark and jokes* Yeah, I know that was just yesterday, Mark, the day before yesterday, last year...
Mark says to Nico, joking: No really, you're actually getting too old for these jokes...
Nico to Marina: I thought your audition was really cool. I hope you saw that I turned around immediately, because...
Marina: Yes, I was so shocked!
Nico: Yes, I noticed that. You stopped playing the guitar for a second there.
Johannes joins in, laughing: That was the shirt, that was just the shirt... That just scared her, man... That's everything!
Nico: I was so sure that I was the only one that turned, because you all waited for so long...
Sarah interrupting Nico: Why so?
Nico to Marina: Because these two waited for so long to turn around... Well, I would consider that in your evaluation...
Sarah: Yeah, that's exactly the reason. You always think just because you turn around quickly...
Nico: No, no, no, I recognized her talent right away... No really, I have to say, you're only 17 and you still have an amazing time ahead of you...I believe you fit perfectly into my team and I would be insanely happy if you would come to my team!
Marina: Thanks, thank you...
Marina's mum to her sister: Oh no, now she even has to pick someone...
Her sister: Yeah, she has to decide on a team...
Marina's mum: Oh my god... (Literally: Oh, for God's sake...)
Sarah: Marina, I have to say, I admire if someone is able to play an instrument and sing at the same time... All of my colleagues can do so... I don't know, Mark, you as well? You can probably play three chords on the guitar, amirite? (mockingly)
Mark: Yeah, exactly... Three chords. And earlier Johannes taught me how to play another chord.
Johannes: That's right.
Mark: You taught me how to play D flat major...
Johannes: [Chord] D7!
Sarah: I personally aren't able to do both, so I am dependent on people who make music with me... and I find it really interesting and absolutely beautiful and I believe you'd be in good hands in my team. I would be very happy to accompany you a bit, if you'd like to...
Marina: Thanks! Thank you...
Mark: Marina, you sang the song completely freely and have put in a lot of runs and riffs and I believe that you haven't given much thought to your singing technique yet and I believe that you're at a really incredible point as a singer and I think it's great that you're here just now. Because now the coaching will be added, hopefully in my team, and you can form what you're already doing intuitively with the coaching and you will become, if you're doing it right from this point on, a fantastic and incredible singer. Do you also do your own songs on the guitar?
Marina: Yeah, I write my own songs.
Mark: In English or in German?
Marina: In German.
Mark: Yeah, that's what I thought!
Johannes: Damn!
Mark: Could you imagine playing one of your own songs in German?
Marina: Yeah, why not?!
Johannes: Please don't...I mean... I am already getting mad... I don't know...
Sarah: Ohh, it's because what if it's going to be amazing and you haven't turned around.
Johannes: Yes...
Nico: Amazing!
Marina: Thanks.. Thank you.
Marina's mum: I'm done, I'm done...
Johannes: Marina, Marina... I'm an idiot... It's clear that I don't have any idea at all of what I'm doing here, because I estimated everything completely differently... I have listened to you in the beginning and saw that Nico turned, then Sarah and I thought "Okay, that's a girl that really loves to sing RnB style and I thought that makes complete sense.", but now I realize that doesn't make sense at all... I wish my name here would be lit up as well, but it isn't. So, I can only apologize to you for not having turned around... I made a mistake.
Marina: Thank you.
Johannes: But even more beautiful that you have a choice between those three now. I am excited for your decision!
Mark: Marina, do you feel like you are able to take a decision now?
Marina: No...
Nico: Do you wanna sing a song with me then?
Marina's sister: Nico Santos... I can't believe it...
Nico: What would you like to sing?
Mark: Please, no Michael Jackson song... [Nico is known to be a huge fan of Michael Jackson since his childhood]
Nico: Okay, not a song from him...
Marina: Walk In Your Shoes?
Sarah, explaining: That's a song by Nico.
Nico: Really? You know this one?
Marina's mum: Yes, she does know the song.
Nico: Thank you so much! A song by me!!
Johannes: Oh boy...
Sarah: Yeah, yeah... That's not a good sign...
Nico: I haven't experienced this before... [I guess someone proposing a song of his to him] But it makes me really happy. I will start...

[A little backstory to Walk In Your Shoes by Nico Santos:
The song means a lot to Nico since it is dedicated to his childhood friend, that got hit by a car while skateboarding when they were 15. Before his death, his best friend went to a shoe store and bought new shoes for himself and Nico had the same idea right before his death and he tried on the same shoes his best friend bought without his knowledge: A pair of vans. Nico thought to himself that he would like to ask his best friend before buying them. When he got home he got told about his best friend's death and later on his parents gifted Nico the shoes of his best friend: the same vans he had tried on prior to his death... So, therefore the title and content has a double meaning in regards to the vans. Nico first shared his experience in 2020 when he published his song. ]

Nico: Marina, everybody. Give it up for Marina!
Marina: Thank you.
Nico: Awesome! Thank you so, so much!
Marina's mum: She's surely going to choose Nico now.
Sarah: You two did a lovely job there...
Mark: Is my assumption correct that you like Nico Santos quite a lot?
Marina: Yeeeah... [It's like a reluctant yes, it's ironically meant]
Mark: Is my assumption correct that you could make your decision now?
Marina: To be honest, not quite yet... Okay, I think I got it... I think.. I will go to Nico!
Nico: Thank you so, so... Ohh, I would love to hug you. Amazing! Give it up to Marina!
So cool! I am so pleased, thank you so much.


Ihr eigener Songtext ist wunderschön... Sehr weit für 17.
Und mit Nico zusammen... Unfassbar!


WAS ein Upload:
1. Peaches von ihr gecovered, war der hammer!!
2. Íhr eigener Song war schön gesungen
3. Das Duett mit Nico, wie schön hat sie da gesungen bitte, , das war die Kirsche on top!

