Angry Fish (Painted Comber)

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I left my gopro on fish spot near some rocky cave. The fish reactions to my camera was very funny, at first they surrounded my camera then started doing some weird movements.

Reef fish " Painted Combers " started swarming my GoPro camera trying to see what it was, one of the fish tried to attack my GoPro camera and came very close. I think they were trying to attack my camera, maybe because it was their territory but it was still funny enough to see, their reaction to my GoPro camera.

These species of reef fish are from the perch family and here are some cool facts about them. Their real name is " Painted Comber " and they are found in, Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Sea and Black Sea in depths from 1 - 150 meters. The painted comber fish love to stick near rocks, as it provides cover from other predators and a suitable position for them to hunt for food. They usually eat crustaceans but are known to eat smaller reef fish. The funny thing is they hunt together with octopus also, so when I see more then 2 staring at a rock I know, they are looking at a camouflaged octopus !

GoPro Red Filter lens:
I personally think, the color correction from using this red filter lens will save you a big amount of time in the editing process of your videos, so its worth it !

Song: JayJen & tubebackr - Travel
JayJen & tubebackr - Travel by tubebackr is licensed under a Creative Commons License
Music supported by BackgroundMusicWithoutLimitations

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