'Πώς βάζουμε όρια σε τρίτα πρόσωπα όταν μπούμε σε σχέση;'Vlog 29/5/2019

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Απάντηση στην ακόλουθη επιστολή, που έφτασε στην Αγγλική Γλώσσα, και στην οποία στην ουσία η φίλη ρωτάει, πώς γνωστοποιούμε στο περιβάλλον μας ότι πλέον δεν είμαστε διαθέσιμοι συναισθηματικά, ότι είμαστε σε σχέση, πώς το ζητούμε αυτό από το ταίρι μας, χωρίς να παρεξηγηθούμε για κτητικοί και ζηλιάρηδες και πώς μπορούμε να καταλάβουμε αν είμαστε η προτεραιότητα του συντρόφου μας, ειδικά αν αυτός/ή είναι people pleaser;
I love all of you videos. I think you are doing an amazing job with all your advice. You have a lot of common sense in addition to incredible knowledge in your field. I wanted to ask if you have any videos on
1) how to put limits when you have a relationship ie how a significant other can let everyone around him know that he has a relationship and others cannot cross the line (female friends toward the guy or male friends toward the woman) and how you tell your significant other that this is a sign of respect without appearing possessive or jealous,
2) how the significant other can show that they prioritize you in their life
3) how they can manage their time so that again they can have time to spend with you especially if they are a people pleaser.
I love all of you videos. I think you are doing an amazing job with all your advice. You have a lot of common sense in addition to incredible knowledge in your field. I wanted to ask if you have any videos on
1) how to put limits when you have a relationship ie how a significant other can let everyone around him know that he has a relationship and others cannot cross the line (female friends toward the guy or male friends toward the woman) and how you tell your significant other that this is a sign of respect without appearing possessive or jealous,
2) how the significant other can show that they prioritize you in their life
3) how they can manage their time so that again they can have time to spend with you especially if they are a people pleaser.