SM10a GG End First Impressions! (Pokemon TCG)

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Hello everyone welcome to OmniPoke, the channel that brings you everything Pokemon!

Today Joe takes a look at all the new GG End Set and gives his initial thoughts on the most interesting cards, enjoy!

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That Stunfisk is not terrible, it definitely deserves a second look. For 1 fighting it can OHKO a Zapdos with weakness. Plus it doesn't get return knocked out without an Epower. It could be a reasonable 1-of in baby Buzz style decks, since they traditionally struggle to prize race Zapdos.


Love stamp as a card. It's nice because red card/delinquent/marshadow can be stupid early game lockouts, but stamp you have to hold in your deck, wait for it not to be dead, and then use it. I see what you're saying of why it seems pretty good even though people are upset. Mill is a big problem though


Loving the stamp and the moving energy from a tag team to another is gona be awesome for venusaur/celebi (it says energy, so it can move any energy) so acerola+ this + manual atachement you can keep solarbeaming. I really like the belt, I really think it can be used on zoro/rock, you can use lucarios aura strike and the other lycanrock gx for free. Also for the blood thirsty lycanrock still can use its gx for 1 energy but more important it can slash claw for a dce . if you go second is easy to get one of your basics ko then make a conback with this


Note that the new garchomp works with ultra prism Lucario ability says if you have a garchomp in play search your deck for a card nice combo


So you made mention of all the fire support we have coming out do you think there's a way to make a fire deck only using heat Factory big oven and salazzle as your draw support with welder


When you said Salazzle did you mean Magcargo for Reset Stamp?


Hoopa could be a techable counter to Trev in expanded


33:40 Mill decks love the card though. You can recycle tons of cards if you're just leaving a wall in the active and not attacking.


Incineroar's ability doesn't stack so you'd only run 1 or 2


Wow is it just me or does reset stamp seem like it is about to change the whole game??? I mean u could be totally losing back in the day and drop an N on your opponent down to 1 or 2 useless cards, knock out his heavy hitter/hitters and literally leave your opponent stuck. Like game changers. NOW IT IS IN THE FORM OF AN omg that's scary man
