My Teacher Has a Crush on Me

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In freshman year of highschool, which was not too long ago, I had a very special teacher. he would call me after class to talk to me about things going on in school. At first I thought he was just being friendly and kind like any teacher would be with their students. Then I started noticing that he had a sort of liking for me that he didn't have for any of the other students in class.
When I first mentioned it to my best friend, Kate, she said I was crazy and that I was just looking for someone as “hot” as him to lend me some attention. Kate was just joking around, but I was being completely serious. There was something wrong with this teacher. He was being way too friendly.
I found I was right when one day after class he got closer to me physically. Obviously I wasn't comfortable, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and went with it. I didn't tell anyone after that day and that's when things started getting worse. He would start getting gradually closer and more touchy-feely than I was okay with. This time when I mentioned this to Kate she actually believe me and told me that I should report him.
My moral problem with reporting him was that he was a very nice teacher in class and I didn't want to ruin his career with one small scandalous behavior. I believe that people are good inside and sometimes they make bad decisions. A lot of people don't give others the chance to make things right and just rat them out. It simply jeopardises the chance of putting things right. I'm the kind of person who is willing to give someone a chance.
I should have realized long time ago that things would not get better and this teacher was just holding up a facade. in class he would start giving me looks and other students were noticing. They confronted me about it casually. For the sake of the teacher I couldn't say anything and just denied it.
The more time passed the more I realize that it was ridiculous how much I was hiding for this teacher. He never asked me to do such thing, but he was definitely getting to me, because why else would it feel wrong to report him? I’m not that nice of a person. He got under my skin.
As the year went on things started getting real. We’d be in his classroom every other day, you know, probably to not be suspicious. This attachment he had towards me started branching outside of school. He guilted me into letting him drop me off home. He did this so often that I actually started to believe it was normal. Near the end of freshman year, this 30-year old man started physically clinging to me.
He caressed me in his classroom and told me he didn’t want the summer to come. He couldn’t handle two months without seeing my face. Me being the coward I am, didn’t freak out and leave. I rolled with it. He took me to drop me off home that day, but instead of going in the direction of my house, he started driving in a different way. I asked him where he was going and he said, “my place”. Why didn’t I get it then? I should have banged on the door to get someone’s attention. He’s still in my life. Taken full control of me. He has the world’s biggest crush on me and I just can’t give back those feelings to him. I’m 17 and he’s 33. It just doesn’t work out.
#ACTUALLYHAPPENED #sharemystory #DearDiary #real_stories
When I first mentioned it to my best friend, Kate, she said I was crazy and that I was just looking for someone as “hot” as him to lend me some attention. Kate was just joking around, but I was being completely serious. There was something wrong with this teacher. He was being way too friendly.
I found I was right when one day after class he got closer to me physically. Obviously I wasn't comfortable, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and went with it. I didn't tell anyone after that day and that's when things started getting worse. He would start getting gradually closer and more touchy-feely than I was okay with. This time when I mentioned this to Kate she actually believe me and told me that I should report him.
My moral problem with reporting him was that he was a very nice teacher in class and I didn't want to ruin his career with one small scandalous behavior. I believe that people are good inside and sometimes they make bad decisions. A lot of people don't give others the chance to make things right and just rat them out. It simply jeopardises the chance of putting things right. I'm the kind of person who is willing to give someone a chance.
I should have realized long time ago that things would not get better and this teacher was just holding up a facade. in class he would start giving me looks and other students were noticing. They confronted me about it casually. For the sake of the teacher I couldn't say anything and just denied it.
The more time passed the more I realize that it was ridiculous how much I was hiding for this teacher. He never asked me to do such thing, but he was definitely getting to me, because why else would it feel wrong to report him? I’m not that nice of a person. He got under my skin.
As the year went on things started getting real. We’d be in his classroom every other day, you know, probably to not be suspicious. This attachment he had towards me started branching outside of school. He guilted me into letting him drop me off home. He did this so often that I actually started to believe it was normal. Near the end of freshman year, this 30-year old man started physically clinging to me.
He caressed me in his classroom and told me he didn’t want the summer to come. He couldn’t handle two months without seeing my face. Me being the coward I am, didn’t freak out and leave. I rolled with it. He took me to drop me off home that day, but instead of going in the direction of my house, he started driving in a different way. I asked him where he was going and he said, “my place”. Why didn’t I get it then? I should have banged on the door to get someone’s attention. He’s still in my life. Taken full control of me. He has the world’s biggest crush on me and I just can’t give back those feelings to him. I’m 17 and he’s 33. It just doesn’t work out.
#ACTUALLYHAPPENED #sharemystory #DearDiary #real_stories