EXACT STEPS To Become A US Paramedic

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I share with you the exact steps how to become a United States EMT or a United States Paramedic. I share with you my journey starting at 19 with no prior medical experience and how I became a licensed Paramedic at only 21 years old.

The first step is to gain your EMT certification and then apply to Paramedic school. Sounds simple right? Well, if it was that easy everyone would be paramedics. Which is why I share with you my best EMS tips and advice throughout my schooling and give you on the job tips as well.

If you are interested in becoming a EMT or Paramedic in the United States, this is the journey that I recommend and exact what I did to become successful. If you are new to the channel, I focus on teaching EMS education by breaking down the content simply for you.

Let me know while watching the video, where you are tuning in from if you live in the United States or one day plan on working here.

Be great,

Evan, The Paramedic Coach

#emt #paramedic #ambulanceservice

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Рекомендации по теме

It’s my goal to be a paramedic I am an EMT


I had a more unique experience, the community college I took it through was about 15-16 weeks and I felt much more prepared and actually understood the knowledge. Highly recommended the longer course.


Starting my medic tomorrow! I cannot wait


A lot of schools will offer paramedicine completion programs. An associates is helpful depending on what you want to do. Going fire? Study fire science. Now you have multiple certifications and a degree.


I start next month the 18 month program for EMT/ medic. My husband's an EMT/FF so I learned a lot from him over the years. It's my childhood dream job honestly so I'm looking forward to it.


I’m grateful for what you do, & especially needed your last live lecture recording. I’m sad I missed out and couldn’t ask you a question regarding renal dosing.


I'm an EMT, got it in December. Hopped straight into college to get my associates degree. Medic starts this month but I've nearly got all my requirements for my degree. Only work experience i have is in my pt contacts but my learning style is I can easily pick up things on the job. I understand how critical experience is but I did things how I'm doing them because I'm confident in my adaptability.


Love the content!! A video on how to be the best EMT on the field would be an awesome video


I love how you said to pre-study before you go to EMT school because that's exactly what I've been doing lol! I intend on going to EMT in the Fall of this year. I wasn't sure if I should go to my community college for school or just find an EMT training center near me. I'm leaning towards community college for an Associate Degree after watching this video. I also intend on later becoming a Paramedic. I have a question though, should or do I need to get my CPR certificate before or during a training center or college? Thank you so much for you videos, great inspiration and help!


I just finished my EMT course in June. I have chosen to jump right into the paramedic program in August. It's a 7 1/2 month fast track course. We'll see how it goes, I guess.


I am officially an EMT 🎉 thank you so much ❤ I couldn’t have done it without you PC❤❤ best investment 😊 I can keep studying to become a Paramedic with the volt. Lifetime info at your fingertips for a small price ❤ best investment.


Hi Evan, wondering if you could make a video on important but lesser thought of follow up questions during an assessment or history. Ex. Px says im allergic to penecillin. Follow up question: what happens to you when you've had penicillin? Things like that.
Brand new EMT here!
Love your videos, thanks!


How do I find and emt course in New York I tried google but still don’t understand on how or where to even look


Im only a sophomore in hih school and ive been looking into becoming a emt or paramedic


I took a two week accelerated EMT course 😳


Currently working towards my EMT-B, and hopefully I'll be heading to Paramedic school afterwards. Should I go ahead and enroll or should I let my potential employer pay for it? Thanks for all you do for us.


How often is your lifetime course updated?


The only corses for emts i can find are 8month for a and b i cant find just b


So if I wanted to just become an EMT and just work as that could I?


I'm a professional firefighter in France, do you think it's possible to becoming an emt in the us ? I'd like to live there
