LiveGood Super Greens price comparison to AG1 Athletic Greens

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LiveGood Super Greens price comparison to AG1 Athletic Greens

While I was scrolling through Facebook I saw an ad for a competitor to LiveGood health supplements called AG1, or Athletic Greens. They were offering a free year of their vitamin D3-K2 supplement for buying a $79 bag of their 30 day supply of greens.

As LiveGood Super Greens cost members only $18.00 for a 30 day supply I figured I would do a price comparison and show how much you can save over the course of a year (or each month for that matter) by choosing LiveGood memberships instead.

Most if not all LiveGood Products are priced much lower than similar companies in the direct sales, network marketing/mlm industry because the leader and CEO Ben Glinsky was fed up with the price gouging only to pay a few at the top while those at the bottom rarely succeeded or left the company within a few months.

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Dave Gardner is a returned Peace Corps Volunteer who teaches
HS science in Biology and Chemistry, coaches lacrosse, runs
a marketing business and raises three daughters who lives
in the Syracuse, NY area.

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