To Anyone Who Feels Like They Don't Belong

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To anyone who has ever felt out of place, this one's for you. We all go through the experience of feeling alone, but you’re not alone. I think the only way to bridge that gap is by telling our stories, so here is mine.

I'll see you guys next week with a new video.

-C O M E S A Y H I-

-I N Q U I R I E S-

-M U S I C-

-C A M E R A G E A R-
(All videos are filmed and edited by me)

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Being a free spirit, I don't belong anywhere and don't feel alone either because the feeling of completeness is within me regardless of where I am. Live joyfully🙏


Home is not about a place, is where you feel at peace and loved!


This made me cry because I was born in Los Angeles and shipped by train to South Texas as a child. Parents died, siblings split up and I grew up in Houston with a really bad southern accent. Now when I visit family on West Coast I have to repeat myself many times for them to understand me. They laugh and think it's cute cause I'm the only one of my family with an accent. I definitely don't fit in or belong. Deep inside I'm searching for a place to belong. Finally for the first time in many many years I wore my glasses instead of my contacts and no makeup when I went outside, I felt so free. I may not belong anywhere but no one knows but me.


Life has taught me that I only need to belong in my own soul and skin. Anywhere else doesn’t matter. Love your vids Malama 💕


Fascinating video. This is a dilemma that many people face, even if they don’t leave their country. Moving from a rural area to a large city can create the same feelings.


"Not try to fit in but embrace the uniqueness in me"🌌


Realizing that being a world citizen, owning more than one passports and speaking multiple languages, can actually free our spirits. We don't belong to anyone or anything - we are who we are.


As an Asian male living in Europe, I feel the matter where I travel I feel I don't belong anywhere


I don't think I have ever resonated with anything more. Having left Poland when I was 20 and living for the past 18 years in UK and Canada, I called myself a misfit. Just like you said, in Poland, I am a foreigner and everywhere else an immigrant. I don't think I have ever resonated with anything more. So thank you so much for sharing your experience, this video made me feel less alone 🧡


You are a gifted writer. There's an elegant depth of emotion that neither feels pretentious nor contrived. The pairing of your words with the visuals screams that you are a natural talent: a poet/screenwriter/novelist with whom I'm glad to share this earth. From one introvert to another, thank you.


I think you touch a raw nerve here. in this internet age with the crazy things in the social media, most people will feel they are outsiders.


Great video! There's nothing wrong with being special and not fitting into any moulds. In fact, it is a blessing to stand out from the crowd, and everyone's life journey is unique anyway.


Not belonging anywhere means to me that I belong anywhere and everywhere. So if I feel I don’t “fit in”, I am free to go to the loveliest place imaginable. This I did, accepted life as it came at me, and Lo and behold! I’m now in the loveliest place imaginable, AND I belong. It took a lifetime to discover this, and it would make me so happy if someone reading this created their own paradise, too.


There's something in your words, which gently puts away my fear of taking that one step. ♥️

Home is wherever your heart lies, and heart never stays at one place♥️


I moved from another city. Since adolescence I never felt that I belong to any group, even in church. My experiences make me feel different from others. Before I had this pressure to fit in but now I don't care that much. I realized that all I need is to be connected with myself.


I think what you feel is normal Sophie, I do feel the same way too.. sometimes even in my own hometown. I think this feeling rooted from the Truth of the Word of God.. that "this world is not our home"..


I have taught my children that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Yes we are born in a place and yes there are certainly different villages. We moved constantly when I was young and I was dark skinned and dark curly hair and I felt like such an outsider. What I learned is that I am unique, I am able to talk to anyone and make them feel special or included.
I have a channel here and I am proud of the character that I have. I am real, when so many are not. I am kind, when so many are not. I am willing to help others when so many are not.
You are a beautiful spirit and I know you have touched so many with your words. As I hope I do.
Blessings 🙌🏻🍑🧡Lisa


Yes. The same. Have moved so many times growing up, throughout my life, and know home should be felt inside, where you are, but I don't. I still feel like an outsider....everywhere.


Know thyself and be free! Wishing you all the very best in your quest!


I relate to this so much. While I did not immigrate to the US from another country, I did not have a stable foundation and was always moving around. I went to 10 different schools in several different states before I graduated high school. I do not have deep roots, I do not have lifelong friends and connections. I have always been the outcast and the new girl. I struggle to find where I belong amongst people that grew up together and already have formed deep roots and tight bonds. I always feel one step removed. I have learned to accept what is and do my best to find and forge new connections so the next half of my life I will have a place where I belong... a place to call home. ❤
