The Officially Ignored Link Between Lyme Disease and Plum Island

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And this topic gets insta-flagged in the system... what a shock, since the establishment wishes this topic would get forgotten already. Sadly, this is just scratching the surface... another rabbit hole. It's heartbreaking to read people's stories about how much they suffer from Lyme and how their allopathic docs don't believe them and won't do anything for Lyme (including test for it).


I’m from Long Island and you left out some important details. Having grown up on the south shore and boating every summer, Plum Island is an ominous sight but it’s the fact that to this day, if you trespass on Plum Island you are SHOT ON SITE. Everyone knows it’s forbidden to go near the island and there are military/coast guard boats patrolling the area day and night.

Lyme disease? I grew up knowing all about it. My ex got it after we broke up since he was a biker and was outdoors all the time. We have beautiful deer near the beaches but there’s NO WAY you can touch them anymore. It wasn’t like that... but I’ll NEVER forget the time I went to get close to a deer and its head was infested with massive black/grey ticks all over. I avoid all types of animals out here. We don’t spend much time outdoors anymore.. things have changed a lot. Back in the day, you could have parties on the beach all night and drink and drive home. People would have coolers for a center console! But now? We are in a police state. Everything is changed because of fear.. even our elders and friends who need pain meds can’t get them, not even in the hospital.. because of the “opioid epidemic” meanwhile we have an “I-stop” program that puts all prescriptions in a database and punishes doctors to the max. This is an insane world and we are allowing fear to take our liberties away. You know what’s happened since More controls? JUNKIES EVERYWHERE. Heroin.. another thing was growing up heroin was completely taboo. You’d get your ass kicked for thinking about it. How convenient that the Afghan war suddenly saw heroin EVERYWHERE as much lesser life threatening opioid prescriptions became a “crisis.” People need to wake up. That’s a good topic I’d love to see you explore too. How I got from Lyme disease to the opioid crisis? Well.. it’s just another conspiracy. I could go on all day. Would love to chat some day. All the best xo


Fast forward one year. We have another conspiracy theory becoming conspiracy fact.


The amount of research that goes into the videos you make is obviously exhaustive. I'm always impressed with how thorough you are and by how professional your videos are. With all the time spent on research and traveling, I don't understand how you make your money to continue doing what you do and keep us informed. I hope you're doing well enough to continue as I really enjoy and appreciate your videos. Keep it up and be careful. I'm sure the powers that be would like to silence you.


I remember being a kid in 1970ies Germany and in summer there were always ticks around in the fields we used to play. We got bitten but never got sick of any of them. There were no warnings at that time because ticks weren't so bad. Just a bite, the tick was removed and that's it. Later in the 1990ies there were upcoming diseases from ticks such as encefalitis. Maybe I should mention I lived in the south not so far from the Tubingen animal research facility. If ticks are carrying all this diseases today, they are 100% manmade.


19 years this past June. I almost died around 2003. Local Doctors kept claiming it was ALS. 8 Years paying cash traveling to another State to see a LLMD. I'm still disabled, but not dead. To this day the local medical system will not discuss this subject. The Doctors know. I see how they react and in their eyes. THEY are just as guilty. Our Government did this to us.


How do you even bring this topic up with the average american that spends his free time glued to that soul sucking, mind numbing electrical box we call television? Their immediate response would probably something like "That's just a conspiracy theory" or "Where did you get that from? Infowars? Huhuhuhuhu" .


We need to share this video again. The house has ordered a investigation on weaponized ticks created by the govt.


An old hunting tip: wear good cat/dog flea/tick collars around the bottom of your pant legs.


last summer my doctor told me my bullseye wasn't lymes. then after prodding him for a test. he tells me "it's your money." i had lymes. they don't care one bit.


Thank you so much for making this video. I've been battling Lyme for 13 years now. It took years, and thousands of dollars to get a diagnosis. I never got the bullseye rash, I got Bell's Palsy, and then the joint pain and chronic fatigue began.Treatment is still experimental and very costly. There is no cure. I also have mycoplasma pneumonia infection. I pray this information spreads far and wide so others can avoid the misery this silent, invisible disease has caused me and my family.


I have a son with autism and an autoimmune disease, that has high levels of MYCOPLASMA and is being treated by antibiotics right now. How is it that his "autistic symptoms" are greatly reduced by an antibiotic??
I'm in a support group with 55k parents trying to find answers for their sick children... Autism, ADHD, behavioral disorders, allergies, asthma, cancer, you name it. I can't tell you how many times, especially lately, I see a parent posting about their child having Lyme disease and others co-infections like mycoplasma. That's what's happening to our children...that's why over 50% of them have a chronic disease, why 1 in 34 have been diagnosed with autism, why childhood cancer is on the rise. They are being infected with weaponized bacteria and viruses and their immune systems can't fight it because they've been made dysfunctional by our highly toxic environment.


I'm sharing this again due to the recent Congressional inquiry. Y'all were on this story years ago! FUNNY how what people call "conspiracy theories" again and again turn out to be true.


Lyme disease is also prevalent around Salisbury in England where we have a biological research facility called Porton Down.


When I was a kid in the 70s-80s in Ohio, I used to crawl around in the woods & along creeks all the time & never had a tick on me. These days my dogs will pick up ticks in my mowed lawn if I don't treat them regularly with tick repellent. Between disease-carrying bugs, chemtrails, and cancerous UV rays, the great outdoors has sadly become a rather hostile place that is best enjoyed through a pane of glass. I'm watching leaves fall now from behind my office window-- a month early. What a shame smh


I live on Long Island & you seriously have NO IDEA how much of an understatement you've made when you said we are infested!! It's gotten SO MUCH WORSE in the last few years, too!! I have 3 cats, they're indoor/outdoor. Even when there's snow on the ground they come home w/ticks!! I literally don't ever get a break from them! Many are so tiny that if my cats face wasn't white, I'd never see it until it consumed my cat. Just this past May it appeared as though my cat rubbed her face directly in, then sat right on top of a tick nest! She had them on her waterline (where women put eyeliner) & to my absolute HORROR, she had FOUR TICKS IN & UP HER ACTUAL ASS HOLE!!!
I've sprayed the lawn, they came back with a vengeance! I treat my cats, turns out that doesn't prevent them from collecting ticks but what happens is instead of latching onto the cat, they hitch a ride INSIDE MY HOUSE then jump ship only to land IN MY HOUSE!! Making the wiser option to just not treat the cats so I can easy find the ticks when I check my cats, remove them & bag 'em/pop 'em/burn 'em. Vs having to locate them throughout my house which is infinitely larger than the cat!
These things seriously harass my fucking life & it's quite the miracle I don't have lymes disease or any other disease these things carry. One makes you allergic to meat from what I've heard, the lone star tick carries that. There's no way evolution could work so favorably in one organisms favor, especially one that harms others! Usually evolution works in favor of PROTECTING A SPECIES, evolution does not work to create an apex predator! To believe these are naturally diseasing humans & animals means evolution protected them by making them minuscule in size & practically undetectable since you can't even feel them when they're traveling up your body (the travel upwards before latching on bc apparently they've learned it's harder for animals to remove them that way, they also chill on grass blades at the very top & they choose grass that's lining a paved walkway bc apparently they're aware of where humans are most likely to be, making feeding that much easier, it's like they know how to fucking hunt us!! Companies that spray for them tell customers to run a white rag on top of your grass to discover exactly where they are ) anyway, back to their unnatural "evolutionary traits", you can't even feel them BITE!! Evolution works to provide camouflage abilities or harmless yet intimidating features for small organisms to help them survive, what it doesn't do is arm them with stealth AND the ability to disease!! If it did, mosquitos & fleas would be far better at feeding than they are! I fucking HATE ticks!! I've developed a sick pleasure in burning & popping them! I've also become something of a pro when it comes to locating them & removing them from cats. A skill I could've gone through life without & have still lived a solid existence 😞


You guys are the best investigative journalists around, hands down! I appreciate your research and have been meaning to join you on patreon to support your work- will be doing that today.


Thank you so much for this video. I am convinced this is what my father contracted in the mid 1980's. He worked for an electric company setting poles and running power lines in central KY, which often had him working in thick brush. "De-ticking" him was a daily thing during the summer. He became very ill after developing several bullseye rashes. They said his symptoms were similar to Lupus, but Lupus did not show up on the tests they ran and they never tested him for Lyme Disease. His kidneys began having problems and through the process of a kidney biopsy they discovered his outer kidney wall was tremendously thick and hard.

I appreciate you providing all this "new to me" information about this disease. I love what the two of you do.


Fast forward to now, we have a worldwide pandemic that started just like Lyme disease started.


Lyme survivor reporting in from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada!
