【Virtual Fashion Show】presented by Kelenn Underground Models & Artists Japan

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このVirtual Fashion Showは世界中のコロナ禍でも夢を諦めない子供達、プロモデル達を応援するプロジェクトです。



👕【Tシャツプレゼント】👕 【T-Shirt Giveaway】👕
Kelenn Underground Virtual Fashion Show 第一弾の記念と皆様への感謝の意を込めてKelenn Underground Models & Artists "YouTube Channel" にて

【チャンネル登録】+【いいね!】+【コメント】をして下さった方の中から抽選で4名様に Kelenn Underground Model Tシャツを送らせて頂きます。

当選発表 : 2021年5月5日


これからもKelenn Undergroundスタッフ一同、モデル達の未来に繋がるプロジェクト制作に尽力してまいりますので、どうぞ応援よろしくお願い致します。


・This 【Virtual Fashion Show】is dedicated to the all kids of next generation who have dream to be a model and all professional models who is doing their best under COVID-19 crisis.
Over 70 models and kids have sent us the videos from all over the world.

👕【T-Shirt Gift】👕
In memory of Kelenn Underground's 1st Virtual Fashion Show,

Kelenn Underground Model T-shirt as a little gift will be presented to 4 people who

【subscribe】+ 【Like】+ 【Comment】on Kelenn Underground Models & Artists "YouTube channel"

Announcement date : 5th May 2021

We will announce who won the T-shirt by replying to your comment on YouTube.
So please keep checking.

Thank you all so much for watching!
Please look forward to our next project!!
Arigato Gozaimasu!!

Corona will never stop us.
We will keep on shining forever.

【Kelenn Underground Models and Artists】
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