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Skill Capped has one goal in mind: help YOU become a BETTER player FAST! We create guides that ACTUALLY WORK by the TOP PROS and COACHES. We're so confident we can help you IMPROVE that we back it up with a RANK IMPROVEMENT GUARANTEE not found anywhere else!

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0:00 - Introduction
1:31 - Azir Setting & Hotkeys
2:54 - Azir Abilities
5:22 - Azir Combos
8:08 - Azir Laning
11:12 - Azir Teamfighting
13:50 - Azir Splitpushing
15:04 - Outro

Concepts: azir,azir guide,lol azir,azir guide season 14,azir build,azir runes,azir combos,league of legends,league of legends guide,lol guides,league of legends tips,league of legends coaching,how to get better at league of legends,skill capped,lol tips,lol tips and tricks,league of legends pro guides,how to improve at league of legends,lol coaching,skill-capped,lol season 14,league of legends season 14,azir challenger,azir mid,azir top

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Hey guys! Sorry about the runes/items being missing. We removed it from the video as it'll change soon and the rest of this guide will work for a very long time. Here are the Azir items/runes for now though:

Recommended Runes: Conqueror, Presence of Mind, Alacity, Coup de Grace + Absolute Focus, Scorch
Recommended Build Path: Luden's / Liandries with Sorceror's Shoes -> Nashor's Tooth -> Deathcap -> Zhonyas / Void Staff


There’s almost nothing this champ can’t do.

Azir after using 2 Qs before 8 minutes: I HAVE NO MANA


After all these years, we finally got the guide we deserve for Shurima!


I really liked the "how to play like a (champion) main" and love to see it again
These are the best guides on a champion i could fined that actually have everything about that champ in one video
Also in the intro you said that you will go through the runes and items but the video doesn't include them and im not sure what runes are best with azir


Whenever I watch an Azir guide, it has always failed to mention about his control over an area. It, honestly for me, had always been his strongest aspect. It ties in with him being a high range champion and the fact that he could place multiple soldiers.

Imagine a situation where all players are in one lane and a clash seems really imminent. Now, both teams only have to have one of their players initiate so they could clash. Azir could seperately place soldiers until you cover the whole site, poking any enemy looking to initiate the fight. It becomes like a wall of thorns of sorts. This harass lowers their hp, their mana, their aggro, their confidence to even start a clash.

Azir can literally stop a play by the enemy before it happens. Any champion can do the same but they cant cover as much ground as much as azir with his soldiers split up. This works even in jungle. This why riot has Azirs soldiers kind of split up after casting q. His whole kit is really designed to create as much space as possible, with his soldiers, his passives turret, and his ult. Azir is meant to dominate the certain space he is in.

ALSO, his soldier aa pokes a bit outside its range whenever hitting something within its range. You can use this when the enemy likes to hide behind minions. Just position the soldier nicely and you maximize azirs range. I'm not really sure if this is true still, but its the best way to maximize his range.

This guy has been my main since season 5. Still is the best champ for me. Glad that riot at least had let us choose how his rework will be done back then.


Skillcapped in their tierlist video: Azir is pretty much the worst midlaner in the entire game

Skillcapped in their guide video: Azir is broken and a mistake from Riot


Not saying I’m a professional or anything but this guide is probably one of the best out there


There is one more combo not mentioned and it is Azir Insec.
W -E (to enemy)- R towards origin and quickly before finishing the dash to your E- and as soon as you connect to your soldier, Q back to your origin point.


thx so much, this will realy help me :D


With on-hit effect added. He can finally use Nashor tooth properly, which will give him more duel power. Some more fun items like kraken and lich bane are worth to take a look guys.


Ah just in time for the on-hit change on him xD


This is making me wanna play azir frfr


This looks awesome, I've been looking for a champion to play Mid and climb with. In low elo, though, he is one of the lowest win rate champions. What in this guide works differently from how people play him in Bronze and lose?


The Final Combo: W E auto (predict flash) R


Just imagine how broken release date Azir would be in todays meta.


I'll definitely try m out after this video


My main 2 problems when playing Azir:

1. Teammates feeding before 15 minutes and wanting to FF so I can't even buy 2 items

2. Teammates picking a full squishy team. Special mention to those top Vayne and AP Voli both useless AF


You forgot the insec combo.
Without the Autos, because the insec matters its: W E R Q-backwards.. use W E to dash to the enemy, R them towards your team/nexus and shuffle back mid-dash with Q.
Simply put: Just like the Juke at 6:47, just snug the R in mid-dash


Target champion only doesn’t work with attack move klick


i play azir support in emerald and it is fun af and you dont need to be good player to reach it .
i dont change ward, i dont know about wave management, i dont buy pinks, and since s6 i learned 1 thing my guts tell me when gank will happen on bot lane. in my games with friends i often say in random moments by my guts we are ganked and my friends 70% dont listen to me or overextend and die :> and i tell them told ya
