A Sincere Question For Jehovah's Witnesses #12

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This is just a short video of a question I thought of that I would like to ask Jehovah's Witnesses.

You might be able to use this question on one of your JW Family or if you see a cart of theirs out there!

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Sorry I have been MIA lately. I am working on a few BIG VIDEOS that are coming up so you can look forward to those👍
I have been trying really hard I have just been very depressed it's very hard when its Christmas and New Years and then the first week of January is My Birthday and everyone is with their families but I have no one but my Dog. It just gets very VERY HARD Sometimes so I apologize for taking so long on the videos🥴


Indeed! This is where the dependence they have on GB takes over because they do not understand Jesus is their God and only Savior. They do not have a relationship with Jesus. They believe their relationship (loyalty and obedience) to the GB will save them. They are very deceived!


a great train of thought and well presented, that's exactly how it is when you ask them how these things can be justified with Bible verses, then they go way out and come with their publications and you have to see it in context and only they can do it explain to us, otherwise no one would come up with this “unique truth”. Thank you and best regards from Germany


It seems from their latest broadcasts, that they are influenced by the opinions of the branch offices around the world, or corporate members. If the GB alone are truly the faithful & discreet slave, then they would not have to be influenced or swayed to change beliefs held for more than 100 years


One and the first of the 5 Solas that distinguish the Reformers from the teachings of Rome.
Sola Scriptura - Scriptures alone.


Watchtower August 15, 1991. " From time to time there have arisen amongst the ranks of the people those that have adopted a independent fault finding attitude, they say it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively either alone or in small groups at home but strangely to such Bible reading they have reverted back to the apostate doctrines, by commentary Christendom clergy mere teachings 100 years ago "
Watchtower 15 August 1981 " By such independent Bible reading the person reverts back to the teaching of Christianity "


Hi Kristy, hope all is well. I live in Texas and, a block from one of their Halls, when they go by, walk, they look so lost
and unhappy


They teach for doctrine the precepts of men and not the commandments of The Father. Woe unto them!


Good one, Kristy. 👍

I was just wondering where you were, actually. 🙂


miss you Kristi Ann, I pray you are doing well. You are in my prayers, thanks again for the song you wrote me, You are indeed a blessing! Hoping to hear from you soon! Much Love from Smyrna Tennessee


Hi Kristy - great content in this little video along with your thoughts in the comments. Kristy, I'm alone on my birthday and the holidays, too. I have my dog and cat that help take the edge off, but it's still so hard. I'll be thinking of you. It helps to know I'm not the only one with the blues when everyone else is celebrating. 😊


How do you find the old watchtower book pdf’s ? I’m not very tech savvy and I get frustrated 😂😂


Hi Kristy Ann what an amazing video as usual? I love it and hits the nail right on the head. Poor JW.
My experience , lately I've seen some carts on the corners: What I found very strange in all of them only women were by the cart no men? Why?
I try to engage simply on the Bible, complete ignorance I see they only have some highlighted passages and they go straight to there. I ask them to read them into the whole contest and they are lost: I ask who told you about that interpretation, response: The governing body, entrusted and chosen by Jesus. hand-orange-covering-eyes
How are you doing health wise, I am ok so far, thanks God.
I want to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas 💥 and a very Happy and Healthy New Year. 🥂
👋Keep up your amazing


Uhhh channel of communication didn't appear till the 20 th century guess no one progressed to life for the previouse 2000 years a lot God 😮


Lots of xtianity doctrines cant be found in the bable alone either.Like the trinity and gawd(s) being an uncreated being etc.


If you do use this question at a cart or on a JW out there they may say "But yes the faithful slave is needed to explain bible beliefs and make our understanding clearer as time goes on" but then you might add well if that is the case aren't you just learning what their human interpretation of the bible is? And again ask shouldn't one be able to learn such important teachings as 1914 or Jesus real identity straight from the bible? Isn't the bible the only book we have today that we know for sure is straight from God then isn't that all we need? Why are other human mens interpretations of the bible so important to you? As the Gov Body admit many teachings have been changed over the years due to "Human Error" so if those were errors whose to say the other teachings aren't errors also? Are you willing to stake both your life and your families life on Human Mens interpretations men who have admitted that they are NOT INSPIRED and who have MANY times admitted to making MANY ERRORS in their teachings?


Just a thought on this - If god wanted us to understand his word, thus gain salvation, then why would he make his word - the bible so ambiguous and cryptic, thus can be interpreted in so many different ways?


This goes for most of the teachings of Christendom.


It is obvious that anyone can read the Bible over and over and never know the truth. Because the Truth is only given through God's chosen ones. God veils the Truth from others.

Matthew 13:11 In reply he said: “To you it is granted to understand the sacred secrets of the Kingdom of the heavens, but to them it is not granted.


No date in the Bible can confirm any date without the accepted by almost all scholars, absolute dates of 539bc (fall of Babylon) and/or 14ad. (Death of Augustus Caesar) Which can not be proved from the Bible. No date can be proved with just the Bible.
