Shopping with My Reborn Toddler! Her First Outing and Shopping Haul!

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Madison and her mom and dad take her reborn toddler, Tippi shopping at Target. They look for new clothes for her, gifts for the reborn baby and then show you what they bought for her reborn toddler and babies.

Shopping for Reborn Baby Stroller and Car Seat with My Reborns

Shopping for Reborn Baby Stroller for My New Reborns

In previous videos we unbox baby doll strollers from Joovy and other Reborn Baby Doll Nursery Playset for Twin Reborns, and even other real strollers, including our double stroller. But in this video we take the reborn toddler on an outing to look for new toddler reborn clothes in size 18 months. Before we head out, Madison gets her reborn changed out of her pajamas and into her new reborn outfit. We also take our reborn to look at some of the fun kitchens at Target. And can you believe they already have their Valentine's Day candy and decorations up already? This video was filmed just after Christmas and before the New year 2020. At the end of this video Madison shows you all the things she bought for her Reborn toddler and babies in a shopping haul.

Taking Reborn Toddler Twins on an Outing in my New Double Stroller

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