Coexistence with Large Carnivores

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After hundreds of years of persecution the large carnivores of Europe, wolves, lynxes and bears have returned. More recently, their populations have strengthened in many countries, including Hungary. In their natural habitat they play an important role. Carnivores, of course, are not saints: they can prey on domestic animals, make game management more difficult and on rare occasions they can also be dangerous to human life. Coexistence, however, is possible.

Animated film production: 235 Productions
Text: László Patkó, Viktória Kokics
Narrated by Soma Zámbori

References marked in the animated film:
Chapron, G. et al. (2014): Recovery of large carnivores in Europe' s modern human-dominated landscapes. Science 346: 1517

Ritchie, E. G. & Johnson, C. N. (2009): Predator interactions, mesopredator release and biodiversity conservation. Ecology Letters 12: 982-998

Callan, R. et al. (2013): Recolonizing wolves trigger a trophic cascade in Wisconsin. Journal of Ecology 101(4): 837-845

Letnic, M. & Koch, F. (2010): Are dingoes a trophic regulator in arid Australia? A comparison of mammal communities on either side of the dingo fence. Austral Ecology 35: 167-175


Ripple, W. J. & Beschta, R. L . (2012): Trophic cascades in Yellowstone: The first 15 years after wolf reintroduction. Biological Conservation 145(1): 205-213

Maddena, F. & McQuinn, B. (2014): Conservation’s blind spot: The case for conflict transformationin wildlife conservation. Biological Conservation 178: 97-106
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