The Breather - 6 Tips to Improve Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT)

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The Breather - 6 Steps to Improve Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT)

This video is for people experiencing abnormal respiratory and speech functions impacting their daily lives. Some of these include COPD, Asthma, Swallowing disorders, Stroke, Hypertension, High Blood Pressure, Parkinson’s, and Chronic Heart Failure.

Through this and other videos, we will be covering respiratory maneuvers such as Diaphragmatic Breathing, the Huff Cough, overcoming Shortness Of Breathe, and ways to enhance the delivery of bronchodilator medications.

We’ll also be using The Breather, an Inspiratory/ Expiratory Respiratory Muscle Training device. W will outline its foundational protocol for use and 10 ways to improve your breathing and speech performance.

***More from the Breather***
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Hi - do you have a video that goes over super basic use of The Breather right out of the box? Something where someone is speaking slowly for older folks to understand. Also want to note how crazy fast the speaking is in this above video. Older folks are never going to be able to keep up, and they also are unlikely to know how to use playback speed settings, or remember how to use them once its explained.

You may want to create a “beginners” playlist aimed at your more senior audience.



Important not to swallow the phlegm but spit it out in hanky and dispose of it down loo, Phelgm in stomach irritates it and encourages food to stick together and interferes with digestion. x


Nobody has told me how often do you use the breather? You know like how many X a day at one sitting... Or how often please explain❤️


Is it normal to spit up phlegm or having to blow your nose after using this?


Inhale and exhale through mouth only when you use breather?


I have one of these, obtained it to help with respiratory issues caused by Parkinson's disease.

I find using it quite the flow of air is restricted by the device, I am getting sensations of panic/anxiety when using...particularly if I use it when my Parkinsons symptoms are giving me problems.

Is there any guidance on how to minimise this problem?


I see you responding to a lot of folks with a “foundational protocol” video. Can this video be uploaded to your youtube channel to make it easily accessible?

My Dad doesn’t have a lot of reading comprehension skills left, so sending him a link with a tiny video embedded in a wall of text adds about 3 layers of mental blockages to getting the info to him.

It’s becoming frustrating that there isn’t a slow clear basics video i can directly link him to.


I have breathing problem every night I can't sleep is getting serious everyday


How can you use this if you get oxygen through a tube going to your nose?


I brought a breather on the exhale side is a piece of plastic inside do I remove it


When inhaling does the stomach go in or out?
