A day at the Russian dacha 🏡

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In this video I'll take you on a tour around a real Russian countryside (aka dacha) in the Udmurt Republic. I'll show you my grandparents' ogorod (garden) and the house where I spent many summer days as a child. Enjoy!

0:00 - Intro
02:27 - My grandparents' country house
07:12 - The greenhouse
08:09 - The ogorod (Russian garden)
10:30 - Some more places in the Soviet countryside :)

| About me |
My name is Elena. I'm currently living in Izhevsk, a small city somewhere in the middle of Russia. Here on my YouTube channel I share videos about life in my country. From street food in small Russian towns and unusual places to visit here to some cool facts about Russian history, culture, lifestyle and mentality :)
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What a wonderful, calming person you are.

Like Chicken soup for my soul.


It looks like Heaven ! So Peaceful ! I Love It !


This is another beautiful video! It' was interesting to see your reaction to a place you spent so much time in as a child. Very nicely done Elena!


I had to come back to this video - it is so peaceful and shows the true character of Russian people.


I'm new here. But I gotta say : your videos are just wonderful! Keep up the good work, Elena!


The dacha where you grew up is very peaceful looking. It's like a countryside setting, which can be very relaxing. Many people enjoy gardening, for the peace it brings them, the homegrown food, and the savings. Thanks for the childhood trip. I enjoyed it. Take care, John


Thank you for sharing your summer sadness with all the people who love and admire you.


I live in rural America and the same thing is happening here. Small towns gradually disappear because the young people leave for the excitement and opportunity of the city, and the older folks die off so the community fades and eventually vanishes....It makes me sad because I love small town life


Second viewing, makes me wish I could be there to listen to the silence. Relax and enjoy the peace and quiet. Maybe some coffee and breakfast in the morning....
Ok, back to reality 😂


Cat!!!! 😻😻😻😻

Wow, *so much Beauty!!* The Forest, the Lake, the Garden... and you look *stunning, * too. ❤❤

The radio looks very much like the old radio my GrandMa had, from the 1950's I think. I Love this old style of things.


Is it the icon from sec 4:59 representing Saint Nicolae? I inherited a similar icon from my grandparents. I know it has a text written in slavic but don't understand it. My grandfather knew Russian because he had Russians roots. Unfortunately, I didn't learn it, he died when I was little, and my mother learned just few words. I am from Romania, and I was born in an area where there is a big community of Russians Lipovans.

Thank you for your videos, and I appreciate posting the latest one talking about the present situation in your county. These days is more important than ever to create communication bridges between us, the common people, and see all this crazy times as a chance to unite and not divide us.


Elena, sei stupenda e il tuo semplice modo di raccontare la vita diventa un fatto artistico. Bravvissima!


Potatoes - you should not deprive yourself of the many pleasures of the potato.

Getting away from the internet is a very good thing, and finding quiet and relaxation are not nothing. People who work in cities have for a long time now spent a lot of money to get access to those things. For activities, it seems you found one that was occupying some of the remaining villagers: splashing around in water. I guess relaxing, socializing, reading/writing, and gardening would be the standard summer activities, were you staying longer. Which doesn't sound bad at all, though I'm just watching from a great distance.

Oh, and you found time to make a lovely video during your visit.

Thanks for showing us this semiabandoned village and some of the people. Your aunt seems sweet. I'm always happy to see these vignettes from your life, past and present.


So much know how in our grandparents gardens, more valuable than anything you'll learn at school


I am an American living in Tennessee and amazingly my childhood was very similar, both of my parents were from the mountains and they are gone with a whole lot of wonderful memories :) I am ashamed that there are so many people that are ignorant of the Russian lifestyle, but I am learning so much just watching your excellent videos. Most of all that I noticed how lovely and sweet you are :) Thank you Elena for making more appreciative of a whole new world! Little Wolf.


I read other comments and I agree with this great countryside footage you shared for us all to enjoy. I look forward to your next video. Thank Elena. 😊 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦


Wow what amazing scenery! Your skills with the camera are great, this video turned out beautiful! Thanks for sharing, I hope more people can appreciate rural lifestyles, the countryside is a great place to grow up


Such a beautiful place. Great video. Thank you for sharing. Your voice is very calming.


Like other commenters, I really like this video, so I'm really glad you overcame your misgivings and decided to post it, Elena. So many people need a break from hectic lives and noisy cities... and your slow dreamy camerawork on decorated houses, silent trees and pretty plants, accompanied by your soft voice and gentle movements and presentation, is not only an insight into the quiet heart of Russia, but also I think into the forgotten quietness of our own hearts. And it's there we find our deepest values... Maybe, like many before you, you will write your best poetry in your dacha, even though it does take quite a while to appreciate rural peace after urban chaos! Nice music too in your videos :-)


The painting symbolises the melancholy a bit, but your trip down memory lane brings all kinds of emotions, beautiful trees..
