Lec 02. Einstein's General Relativity and Gravitation: Special Relativity 1

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UCI Physics 255 Einstein's General Relativity and Gravitation (Spring 2014)
Lec 02. Einstein's General Relativity and Gravitation -- Special Relativity -- Part 1
Instructor: Herbert W. Hamber, Ph.D.

Description: Lorentz Transformations, Euclidean vs. Lorentzian Signature, Proper time. Flat metric, Time dilation, Energy and Momentum, Four-force and Relativistic Equations of Motion.
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If you have no physics education what so ever, other than having heard that the speed of light is the fastest speed possible, and you proceed to analyze what the requirements are to make motion possible, you soon uncover the foundation which brings about the special relativity(SR) phenomena. You also independently derive all of the SR equations, along with deriving the Lorentz Transformation equations. Then you find out that no one on the entire planet Earth is impressed or even interested in your methods, even though they are 100% unique. Oh well ???
