How Romania Becomes the Richest European Country

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Romania is quickly becoming the Wealthiest European country.

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#megaprojects #romania #engineering

While the most powerful countries in Europe are busy protesting against the rising cost of living, one country in Europe is gradually becoming one of the biggest economic powers! This country is Romania, known for Dracula's Castle and beautiful landscapes.

This country is one of the largest exporters of vehicles, food and footwear, and even natural resources, with one of the largest oil and gas reserves, making Romania one of the most energy independent countries in Europe.

In the last 20 years, the country's GDP has increased over 6 times, reaching over $340 billion in 2023, and it is quickly becoming a dominant force in the world economy! Some even call it "the tiger of the East"!
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Every romanian who see this video at first think this is a standup comedy


As a Romanian, hearing all these informations I wonder how much greater our country would have been if we would have chosen the right people for running the country. Hearing all this after all the corrupted leaders we had is actually rising a hope within my heart.


A guy dies and goes to hell. The devil takes him to show him around.
- This is the pool of Americans and this is their guardian devil. He makes sure nobody escapes.
- Ah, so much suffering...
- This is the pool of Russians and this is their guardian devil. He makes sure nobody escapes.
- Horrible...
- This is the pool of Romanians.
- Horrible. But where is their guardian devil?
- They don't need one. When one Romanian tries to escape the other Romanians grab him and pull him back in.


If Romania gets corruption under control, definitely! But corruption is a gigantic problem here!


As a romanian, im really surprised that we are actually that independent and rich in natural reserves. im so proud of being a romanian, and thank you for this beautiful video!


Unfortunately, a country devastated by corruption.
Even the Braila bridge needed immediately reparations after its inauguration.


I am from Romania and i don't see anything happening because we get, ,richer" everything is still the same :(


2:59 -That thing is falling apart less than half a year after being opened!
5:23-"Expected" being the key word.When a (mega)project is announced in Romania you should take into account about 3-4 years of possible delays.


Rich my ass, my father works in England and the prices are kinda the same but the salary is way better there. There are still people in the villages who have cariages drawn by horses, and have latrines, no runing water and poor education. In the cities you barely afford a rent as a young man starting in life and food and utilities are expensive. There are a few rich, but is hard for the rest of us.


With all of this, we, the romanian people barely survive in this country, because all we produce, we sell to the bigger european countries for nothing


Meanwhile 2024 Romania is having nearly a economic crisis


LMAO, good one

I haven't laughed this hard in YEARS


România has huge potential with the energy independence and a synergy is created between as energy hub an IT hub and logistic hub. Bucharest can become a Danube port that will open exponential growth as in Germany. Romania has the potential to get close to Nordic country’s after 2037 and it will surpass Poland, Austria, Denmark and Norway economically 🎉


Romania has 1 big issue: Romanians.

Romanians hate their country and love to moan more than anyone I've ever met. They also consistently elect corrupt politicians and then moan about them. I should know, I'm a Romanian.

Granted, things are slowly changing, but we're running out of people due to emigration and low fertility rates.

Cities like Cluj, Timișoara, Oradea, Brașov, Sibiu and to a certain extent, Bucharest, are very Western and the quality of life is high. But the rest of the country lags behind.

That being said, my wife is learning Romanian and we are planning on moving there (after 15 years in Scotland). The only people who spat on me when I told them my plans is fellow Romanians. So, yes, Romanians themselves are the biggest hurdle to proper prosperity.


Shame the people dont benefit from any of it.
Only businesses, coporations and migrant workers.


Romenia is amazing place with amazing people. Good luck brothers Poland is your friend ❤


So nice, 1 percent of Romania population si rich, 50 percent gone abroad to work for decent salaries, the jobs are rare even non existing in some cities, minimum wage at this hour that means 398 euros or 419 dollars, rent is 200 euros the lowest u can find, for those bad paid jobs u often need to give bribe to get hired(at list one salary if not 1000-2000 euros), Europe pais dirty politicians to give bad laws that afect small local businesses and rise taxes, Romania is a paradox where the anualy cost of all taxes equals 7 minimum wage s so yeah ...great contry


I am Romanian born and raised and I am asking you, who payed you to blow this censored!!!


I do not know...
As many romanians, I do not really belive this... the truth is that our president and parliament members are taking 60% of the european funds and only 40% go to the country's needs. And with those 40% funds they try to build something that will not last very long, like roads, bridges, etc. And many romanians go to foreign countries because there are more posibilities, like in IT or in constructions, the most often foreign countries being Spain and Germany. We even say that we are going to Spain to pick up strawberries or to sell cars in Germany.
Romanians are used with the phrase, ,Mă duc la cules de căpșuni în Spania"...

Just some truths about Romania that I see
Sorry for my bad english


yeah no i'm still poor aff bro :))):)))
