Biggest sin than Shirk? English Captions - Sahil Adeem - @TheThinkersShorts

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05:20 💡 Good Question Well
06:12 💼 Real Work Now
06:43 🌟 Correct Way Protector
07:47 🎯 Feel Right Everything
08:01 🎲 Shirk 50/50 Game
09:44 🚓 Streets Pakistan Police
11:00 💬 Respect White Man
11:29 🎉 Liberty England Celebrate

In this video Sahil Adeem is going to talk about the concept of sins in Islam, focusing on whether there exists a sin greater than shirk (associating partners with Allah). Sahil Adeem provides a deep analysis of Islamic teachings, using references from the Quran and Hadith to support his argument.

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وَإِذْ قَالَ لُقْمَانُ لِابْنِهِ وَهُوَ يَعِظُهُ يَا بُنَيَّ لَا تُشْرِكْ بِاللَّهِ ۖ إِنَّ الشِّرْكَ لَظُلْمٌ عَظِيمٌ (13)


2nd is Mola ap ke Jo h movmnt is pr Karam kry nd again woundrful grate nice


Accepting taghut as valid and not rejecting it is shirk in hakamiyyat of Allah.


جناب طاغوت شرک ھی کی تو قسم ھے ہر وہ قانون ہر وہ شخص ہر وہ پارٹی ہر وہ چیز جو اللہ کی اطاعت سے نکال کر اپنی اطاعت پر مجبور کرے یا کروائے وہ طاغوت ہے


Those who are criticizing in the comments section that Shirk is the biggest ever sin. Plz listen to his full lecture first. This is just a short clip. He is meant to say here that currently muslims are not facing shirk as the biggest sin or problem generally. Rather, they have accepted all other man made laws other than Islamic laws and system and are taking pride in that and seeking protection under that. They've forgotten Allah's protection and His system that He reveals in the Quran and through Seerah SAWW. Muslims really do not feel a need even to study Islam nowadays and to implement the system of Allah as they've compromised their true muslim identity without even realizing it.


Awesome lecture, preach❤ Mashallah Sahil Adeem


Sir ap apne hissy ka kam kr rhy hn. Love you


What Allah says in the Quran don't you read that Allah might forgive every sin but He will never forgive shirk


Sahil Adeem ka apna ek ajeebo ghareeb andaz hy. To understand and make understand.


The Meaning of Tāghūt According to the Early Scholars & That It Does Not Necessitate Kufr in Every Case.

The word tāghūt [1] is mentioned in several places throughout the Qurān and its meaning is distorted by the radical preachers to refer to the disbelievers or to major idolatry, and since some of the great scholars mentioned in their writings that ‘the one who does not rule by that which Allāh has revealed’ is a tāghūt, then they conclude that all of the rulers are therefore disbelievers.

However, the reality is that the term tāghūt can refer to the unbelievers and to the heads of misguidance from the Muslims. I will prove this from the sayings of the great scholars of the past. Imām al-Jawharī stated in as-Sihāh:

“At-Tāghūt: the soothsayer, Satan and every leader of misguidance.” [2]

The esteemed scholar of the Arabic language, Ibn Mandhūr stated:

“At-Tāghūt: Whatever is worshipped besides Allāh, the Mighty and Majestic; and every leader of misguidance is a tāghūt.” [3]

He also stated:

“Abū Ishāq said: Everything that is worshipped besides Allāh, the Mighty and Majestic, is a sorcerer and a tāghūt. It is said, ‘[Everything that is worshipped besides Allāh:] the sorcerer, the tāghūt, the soothsayer and Satan…

Ash-Shaʿbī, ʿAtā’ and Mujāhid all said: ‘The sorcerer, the magician. At-Taghūt is: Satan, the soothsayer and every head of misguidance.” [4]

Imām Mālik (died 179H, rahimahullaah) explained:

“At-Tāghūt: Everything that is worshipped besides Allāh.” [5]

Ibn al-Jawzī said:

“As for at-Tāghūt: it is a term taken from tughyān, and it is to go beyond the set limits.” [6]

Regarding the statement of Allāh, “And We sent a Messenger to every nation calling them to the worship of Allāh and to abandon the at-Tāghūt”, al-Qurtubī, the famous Quranic commentator, stated: “Meaning: Abandon everything that is worshipped besides Allāh such as Satan, the soothsayers, the idols, and everyone that calls to misguidance.” [7]

And Imām ash-Shawkānī stated the same in his Quranic commentary, Fath al-Qadīr [8].

Ibn Hishām, the writer of the famous biography of the Prophet (salallaahu ‘alaihi wassallam), stated:

“At-Tāghūt: Everything that misguides from the truth.” [9]

Shaikh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728, rahimahullaah) stated regarding at-Tāghūt:

“It is a generic title into which enters: the Satan, the idols, the soothsayers, the dirham, the dīnār (forms of currency) and other than that.” [10]

Shaikh Muhammad bin Sālih bin ʿUthaimīn (rahimahullaah) stated:

“Ibn al-Qayyim has gathered what has been said regarding it (at-Tāghūt), it is: ‘That which is exceeded by the servant beyond its limit whether it be with respect to following, or worship or obedience.’” [11]

1 Singular: tāghūt; plural: tawāghīt.

2 See Mukhtār as-Sihāh, p. 265.

3 Lisān al-ʿArab 8/444.

4 Lisān al-ʿArab 15/9.

5 Reported by Ibn Abī Hātim with an authentic chain of narration, 2/495, 3/976.

6 Zād al-Masīr, 2/125.

7 Tafsīr al-Qurtubī 10/103.

8 3/161.

9 As-Sīrah an-Nabawiyyah, 3/100.

10 Majmūʿ al-Fatāwā, 16/565-566.

11 Al-Qawl al-Mufīd, 1/10-12.


My parents still think of me as a kid and i am 21 years old from pakistan. I'm still not allowed to own a cell phone and they were very smart in raising me in a way that i cannot earn for myself because i have no idea how to but inshAllah I'll find a way.


Rejecting taghoot is very important in order to have faith in depends on our capacity to what extent we can go and reject it..either by action or by words or atlest hatered in hearts


Breach of privacy is not even considered a sin in Pakistani society.
That’s why people who are brought up in the Gulf and West can’t adjust themselves in Pakistan .
Women who are married off in Pakistan after living abroad suffer the consequences most .
Every one in the family and street has to know and talk everything about others


ہر انسان ویسٹ کو اوپر کی طرف نہیں دیکھ رہا اور ایک ان میں میں ہو۔


There is no sin greater than Shirk. Allah has clarified it, that Allah will forgive all the sins less shirk.
Thus, donot chew words
Keep shirk open and do not make it ambiguous


Ways are clearly mentioned in Qur'an and Sunnah, he is there to identify the problem. Identification solves half the mess


Taghut ka kufar kiye bagair koi muslman ho nahi sakta ..

ومن یکفر بطاغوت و یومن باللہ ۔


Everyone in comments not understanding anything means YOU don’t have enough knowledge to understand and things this big could not be explained in a 13mins video so keep digging and u will get it INSHAALLAH


My only issue is that you can't be unnecessarily philosophical to masses. There's a separate appropriate space for that, in front of masses you need to simplify the complex so as to make it reasonably understandable to the masses. Talking about tagut in a lecture, just talk about it. There's no need to go into cultural studies and comparative analysis of societies. Leave that explication to other platforms like books, essays, articles...


No one is about to tell whats actually the biggest sin....Whatever the Quran Said We must accept it without any doubts...And what it says that "Indeed shirk is the biggest Sin"...Thats it....And remember the explanation he is saying is not the worthable at all.
