Most important keyboard shortcuts every programmer should know!

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In this lesson I will show you the most time used shortcuts by programmers that will save you lots of time.

CTRL + S (save) - save

CTRL + C (copy) - copy

CTRL + V - paste

CTRL + X - cut

CTRL + Z - undo the action

CTRL + Y - redo the action

CTRL + F (find) - looking in file

CTRL + A (all) - selecting all files

CTRL + backspace - usuwanie pojedynczego poprzedniego wyrazu

TAB - indent

SHITF + TAB - back indent

END / HOME - jump to the end / beginning of line

SHIFT + END / SHIFT + HOME - selecting line to the end / to the beginning from the caret place

SHIFT + ARROWS up / down - selecting/deselecting full lines

SHIFT + ARROWS left / right - selecting a letter to the left / right

CTRL + SHIFT + arrow keys left/right - selecting full word left/right

CTRL + SHIFT + arrows keys down/up - copying full line down

CTRL + HOME - jumping to the beginning of file

CTRL + END - jumping to the end of file

CTRL + SHIFT + HOME - selecting text from caret to the beginning of file

CTRL + SHIFT + END - selecting text from caret to the end of file
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Thank you! This is so helpful and is going to save me a lot of time! :D


Thanks man !
I knew want I wanted existed, thanks to you I found it !


great help dude! thank you, really helped a lot, just make some more awesome tutorials :D subs!
