'Moana' Bonus Clip (2016) | Writing 'We Know the Way'

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Watch an exclusive bonus clip from the digital release of Disney's "Moana," featuring Lin-Manuel Miranda, Mark Mancina, and Opetaia Foa'i talking about the writing of the song "We Know the Way" for the movie.
Disney's "Moana" premieres on digital HD and Disney Movies Anywhere February 21st, and DVD/Blu-ray March 7th.
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Disney's "Moana" premieres on digital HD and Disney Movies Anywhere February 21st, and DVD/Blu-ray March 7th.
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Wanna watch something? Moviefone gives you full access to the entertainment universe, from movie theaters to streaming services and all screens in between. Whether you’re ready to score tickets for the blockbuster of the year, binge-watch the latest hit series or track down that collector's DVD, Moviefone makes it happen -- fast, cheap and just how you like it. And don't just watch: Discover. Share. Interact with a worldwide community of film and TV fans on mobile, social and beyond. Because when you love entertainment, you'll never have enough. Moviefone keeps it coming.
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