Hero Of The Sea [Japanese imperial navy song] (1939)

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Hero Of The Sea or 海の勇者 in Japanese, is a Imperial Japanese navy song from 1939. It's about Japanese sailors performing their duty in the navy. As stated in the video, the Japanese were already fighting the Chinese 2 years before germany invaded Poland. most people see the German invasion of Poland as the start of WW2, wich is understandable, but some people argue that WW2 started when japan invaded china in 1937. Things like this are allways hard to decide on. You could say that in 1937, only Japan was at war with china and so it was not a conflict involving enough parties across the world to really lable it as a "world war", but then you could also say that the German invasion isnt the start of ww2 since allthough it did cause Europe to fall into chaos, large nations and areas like the USSR and bascially all of the Americas still weren't directly involved in any conflict. Where would you put the start of ww2? 1937? 1939? 1941?

#japan #history

-The record:
太平洋行新曲 / Victor records
Unknown composer/ J-54700
Performed by: 日本ビクター男声合唱団

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I record shellac records, upload them on youtube and tell a bit of history. I was not the creator of this song.
I do not promote any type of ideology, hate or anything of the sort. This video is made to educate people about history through old music.
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Please understand that translating this was a very difficult task. I do not speak or read Japanese and was presented with over 4 different lyrics of this song. Apologies if I made any mistakes in the process. If I did, please let me know by responding to this comment. Thanks for your understanding!


ww2 definitely started after 2nd italo-ethiopian war


There aren't enough imperial Japanese songs
