Skywind Official Soundtrack: Nerevar Rising

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Original Theme: Jeremy Soule
Lyricist: William Jordan
Co-Composer: Oskar Jakubisiak
Conductor: Jakob Patriksson
Sound Engineer: Karl Wassholm

Bente Thorsén
Cecilia Tammo
Johanna Thelin
Josefin Lidén
Karin Lindahl
Maria Karlsson

Bente Thorsén
Josefin Lidén

Lyrics (Dunmeri)
Luhn-silvar, hortator,
Azura'm gah'amer,
Panthi-seht, sharmat-dra,
(Duet: gahjuli Nerevar.)
ouabihn biridar
Osuhn almese sut ohm
yalif sul devahr,

Lyrics (English)
Moon and Star, Hortator,
Azura's Great Champion,
God-denial, devil-death,
(Duet: Good leader Nerevar.)
prophesied reformer.
We pray for your
triumphant soul's return,

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If you enjoy this track please visit me on there - you should be able to find something to enjoy. It contains all my tracks released for the project.. almost. This track is still excluded - we'll have to put our faith in Bethesda for this one I'm afraid.


[Gets head choped of in Helgen]
[Screen fades]

-Stand up. There you go. You were dreaming. Whats your name?


Bethesda: Morrowind would be too dificult to remake
Some Fans: *hold my mead*


I'm a God
How can you kill a God?
What a grand and intoxicating innocence.


At first I was like: "Yeah, this is good. Nice rendition of the iconic theme"
and when the Choir started I was like: "Okay, wow, this slaps."


my husband is such a nerd with Morrowind, that in our wedding ceremony, when we entered the hall to dance in front of everyone, he had "the road most traveled" playing... No one knew but his brothers, yet they all liked it...


what a grand and intoxicating masterpiece


Fulfill the prophecy.
Unite the great houses.
Unite the tribes.
Vanquish the Sharmat.
Slay Gods.
Thwart Daedra.
Become the Nerevarine.


“Stand up. There you go. You were dreaming. What’s your name?”


I finally managed to translate the lyrics:

Moon-and-Star, Hortator, Azura's champion
godhead denier, Sharmat's death, great leader Nerevar

Moon-and-Star, Hortator, Azura's champion
godhead denier, Sharmat's death, prophesied reformer

We pray for your victorious soul to return, Nerevar


I love how the choir is written like an ashlander prayer for the return of nerevar.

Honestly what a masterpiece. This is one of the greatest things I've heard in a while.


0:00 - 2:57 Nice
2:58 By Azura! By Azura! By Azura!


I only now, after 17 years since the game first was released, realized that the drum beat is the Heart of Lorkhan, beating in the depths of the Red Mountain.
I can't believe i'm saying this, but the song is on par with the original, and the vocals moved me to tears.


By Azura, by Azura! It's the Elder Scrolls Skywind Theme!


What he puts his hand to, that shall be done. What is left undone, that shall be done.

On a certain day, to uncertain parents, incarnate moon and star reborn

Neither blight nor age can harm him; the Curse-of-Flesh before him flies

In caverns dark Azura's eye sees, and makes to shine the moon and star

A stranger's voice unites the Houses. Three Halls call him Hortator

A stranger's hand unites the Velothi. Four tribes call him Nerevarine.

He honours blood of the tribe unmourned. He eats their sin, and is reborn.

His mercy frees the cursed false gods, binds the broken, redeems the mad.

He speaks the law for Veloth's people. He speaks for their land, and names them great.


I wish the choir part is longer. Its too beautiful and more epic than the original in my opinion.


I can almost hear the cliff racers gathering just to bite our asses


I honestly cannot believe this piece is real. That’s how good it is.

When Skywind dropped that trailer earlier, I was pretty much in tears. I like to think I’m the most diehard Morrowind fan in a 1000 mile radius, as I’ve played the game pretty much daily since I was very young. Nerevar Rising has always been a very big comfort to me in dark times, as it reminds me of a lot of exceptionally fun times I’ve had with Morrowind. Needless to say, both the piece and Morrowind are very, very dear to my heart.

I am ALWAYS skeptical of reworks/remasters of it, because nobody seems to know how to capture the feelings that Nerevar Rising invokes in me, and other fans. But— Fredrik, you’ve done it. Excuse my language, but you’ve fucking done it. I am BLOWN away by how simultaneously powerful, beautiful and calming this piece is. Every second of this is worth savoring.

I expressed to you before on Merciful and Benevolent that you captured the feeling of Morrowind perfectly with that piece, but you have outdone yourself here. You and the vocalists. I cannot express to you enough how much this piece means to me, and how wonderful of a job you’ve done. Thank you SO much for this, all your other works, and your contributions to Skywind. I think your soundtrack will make the game for me.

Many, many blessings to you, sera.


I don't care if Skywind never sees the light of day, this song makes this lore-nerd shed a tear everytime I hear it. Thanks Fredrik, I really hope your talent gets more recognition in the industry.


I like to imagine that the lyrics are canon, the Dunmer just singing during work or Dunmeri women singing it to their children, the people patiently waiting for the return of Nerevar.