Evolution of City Builder GAMES 1981-2023 | 3000046

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Evolution of City Builder GAMES 1981-2023 | 3000046
0:00 Intro
0:16 Yellow River Kingdom 1981
0:28 Utopia 1982
0:38 SimCity 1989
0:42 1990 Act Raiser
0:51 1990 | 2 Moonbase
1:00 1991 Utopia: The Creation of a Nation
1:08 1992 Caesar
1:18 1993 D&D Stronghold Kingdom Simulator
1:27 1993 2 SimCity 2000
1:37 1993 3 Lunar Command
1:46 1993 4 The Settlers (a.k.a. Serf City: Life is Feudal)
1:56 1994 Outpost
2:05 1995 SimIsle: Missions in the Rainforest
2:15 1995 2 SimTown
2:24 1995 3 Caesar II
2:34 1996 Afterlife
2:43 1996 2 Holiday Island
2:53 1996 3 The Settlers II: Veni, Vidi, Vici
3:02 1997 Constructor
3:12 1998 Anno 1602: Creation of a New World
3:21 1998 2 Caesar III
3:31 1998 3 The Settlers III
3:40 1999 SimCity 3000
3:50 1999 2 Lincity
3:59 1999 3 Pharaoh
4:09 2000 Cleopatra: Queen of the Nile
4:18 2000 2 Master of Olympus: Zeus
4:28 2000 3 Cultures Discovery of Vinland
4:37 2000 4 StarPeace
4:47 2001 The Settlers IV
4:56 2001 2 Tropico
5:06 2001 3 StarTopia
5:15 2001 4 Mobility
5:25 2001 5 Master of Atlantis: Poseidon
5:34 2001 6 Stronghold
5:44 2002 Cultures 2 The Gates of Asgard
5:53 2002 2 Moonbase Commander
6:03 2002 3 Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom
6:12 2002 4 Metropolismania
6:22 2003 SimCity 4
6:31 2003 2 Tropico 2: Pirate Cove
6:42 2003 3 Anno 1503: The New World
6:51 2004 Outpost Kaloki X
7:01 2004 2 Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile
7:10 2004 3 The Settlers: Heritage of Kings
7:20 2005 Medieval Lords: Build, Defend, Expand
7:29 2005 2 Stronghold 2
7:39 2005 3 Anno 2205
7:48 2006 Tycoon City: New York
7:58 2006 2 City Life
8:07 2006 3 Glory of the Roman Empire
8:17 2006 4 CivCity: Rome
8:26 2006 5 Dwarf Fortress
8:36 2006 6 The Settlers II 10th Anniversary
8:45 2006 7 Caesar IV
8:55 2006 8 Anno 1701
9:04 2007 The Settlers: Rise of an Empire
9:04 2007 2 SimCity Societies
9:14 2008 Imperium Romanum
9:23 2008 2 SimCity DS 2
9:33 2008 3 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King
9:42 2008 4 Micropolis
9:53 2008 5 City Life 2008
0:10:03 2008 6 Hinterland
0:10:13 2008 7 A Kingdom for Keflings
0:10:22 2009 Grand Ages: Rome
10:32 2009 2 Anno 1404
10:42 2009 3 OpenCity
10:51 2009 4 Cities XL
11:01 2009 5 Tropico 3
11:11 2010 The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom
11:20 2010 2 Cities XL 2011
11:30 2010 3 A World of Keflings
11:40 2011 Cities in Motion
11:50 2011 2 Tropico 4
11:59 2011 3 Cities XL 2012
12:09 2011 4 Stronghold 3
12:19 2011 5 Anno 2070
12:28 2013 SimCity
12:38 2013 2 Anno Online
12:48 2013 3 Cities in Motion 2
12:57 2013 4 Godus
13:07 2014 Banished
13:17 2014 2 1849
13:26 2014 3 Clockwork Empires
13:36 2014 4 Tropico 5
13:46 2014 5 Stronghold Crusader 2
13:55 2015 Cities: Skylines
14:05 2015 2 Lethis Path of Progress
14:15 2015 3 Cities XXL
14:24 2015 4 Anno 2205
14:34 2015 5 Planetbase
14:44 2015 6 Valhalla Hills
14:53 2016 Earth Space Colonies
15:03 2016 2 Project Automata (Rise of Industry)
15:13 2017 Urban Empire
15:22 2017 2 Block'hood
15:32 2017 3 Life is Feudal Forest Village
15:42 2017 4 Kingdoms & Castles
15:51 2017 5 Aven Colony
16:01 2018 Surviving Mars
16:11 2018 2 Project Aura
16:20 2018 3 Frostpunk
16:30 2018 4 Cliff Empire
16:40 2018 5 Depraved
16:49 2018 6 Stonehearth
16:59 2018 7 The Universim
17:09 2018 8 Atomic Society
17:19 2018 9 The Colonists
17:28 2019 Foundation
17:38 2019 2 Second Earth
17:48 2019 3 Dawn of Man
17:57 2019 4 Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
18:07 2019 5 Tropico 6
18:17 2019 6 Factory Town
18:26 2019 7 ISLANDERS
18:36 2019 8 Anno 1800
18:46 2019 9 Constructor Plus
18:56 2019 10 TheoTown
19:06 2019 11 Seeds of Resilience
19:16 2019 12 They Are Billions
19:26 2019 13 Atmocity
19:36 2019 14 Ostriv
19:45 2019 15 Clans to Kingdoms
19:55 2019 16 Buoyancy
20:05 2019 17 Flotsam
20:15 2020 Neolithic
20:25 2020 2 The Settlers
20:35 2020 3 Ancient Cities
20:45 2020 4 Seed
20:55 2020 5 The Architect Paris
21:05 2020 6 Metropolisim
21:15 2020 7 Citybound
21:25 2020 8 Ymir
21:35 2020 9 Builders of Egypt
21:45 2021 Industries of Titan
22:00 Outro
Рекомендации по теме

Year GAME Time Stamp
Intro 00:00
1981 Yellow River Kingdom 0:00:16
1982 Utopia 0:00:25
1989 SimCity 0:00:34
1990 Act Raiser 0:00:42
1990 | 2 Moonbase 0:00:51
1991 Utopia: The Creation of a Nation 0:01:00
1992 Caesar 0:01:08
1993 D&D Stronghold Kingdom Simulator 0:01:18
1993 | 2 SimCity 2000 0:01:27
1993 | 3 Lunar Command 0:01:37
1993 | 4 The Settlers (a.k.a. Serf City: Life is Feudal) 0:01:46
1994 Outpost 0:01:56
1995 SimIsle: Missions in the Rainforest 0:02:05
1995 | 2 SimTown 0:02:15
1995 | 3 Caesar II 0:02:24
1996 Afterlife 0:02:34
1996 | 2 Holiday Island 0:02:43
1996 | 3 The Settlers II: Veni, Vidi, Vici 0:02:53
1997 Constructor 0:03:02
1998 Anno 1602: Creation of a New World 0:03:12
1998 | 2 Caesar III 0:03:21
1998 | 3 The Settlers III 0:03:31
1999 SimCity 3000 0:03:40
1999 | 2 Lincity 0:03:50
1999 | 3 Pharaoh 0:03:59
2000 Cleopatra: Queen of the Nile 0:04:09
2000 | 2 Master of Olympus: Zeus 0:04:18
2000 | 3 Cultures Discovery of Vinland 0:04:28
2000 | 4 StarPeace 0:04:37
2001 The Settlers IV 0:04:47
2001 | 2 Tropico 0:04:56
2001 | 3 StarTopia 0:05:06
2001 | 4 Mobility 0:05:15
2001 | 5 Master of Atlantis: Poseidon 0:05:25
2001 | 6 Stronghold 0:05:34
2002 Cultures 2 The Gates of Asgard 0:05:44
2002 | 2 Moonbase Commander 0:05:53
2002 | 3 Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom 0:06:03
2002 | 4 Metropolismania 0:06:12
2003 SimCity 4 0:06:22
2003 | 2 Tropico 2: Pirate Cove 0:06:31
2003 | 3 Anno 1503: The New World 0:06:42
2004 Outpost Kaloki X 0:06:51
2004 | 2 Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile 0:07:01
2004 | 3 The Settlers: Heritage of Kings 0:07:10
2005 Medieval Lords: Build, Defend, Expand 0:07:20
2005 | 2 Stronghold 2 0:07:29
2005 | 3 Anno 2205 0:07:39
2006 Tycoon City: New York 0:07:48
2006 | 2 City Life 0:07:58
2006 | 3 Glory of the Roman Empire 0:08:07
2006 | 4 CivCity: Rome 0:08:17
2006 | 5 Dwarf Fortress 0:08:26
2006 | 6 The Settlers II 10th Anniversary 0:08:36
2006 | 7 Caesar IV 0:08:45
2006 | 8 Anno 1701 0:08:55
2007 The Settlers: Rise of an Empire 0:09:04
2007 | 2 SimCity Societies 0:09:04
2008 Imperium Romanum 0:09:14
2008 | 2 SimCity DS 2 0:09:23
2008 | 3 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King 0:09:33
2008 | 4 Micropolis 0:09:42
2008 | 5 City Life 2008 0:09:53
2008 | 6 Hinterland 0:10:03
2008 | 7 A Kingdom for Keflings 0:10:13
2009 Grand Ages: Rome 0:10:22
2009 | 2 Anno 1404 0:10:32
2009 | 3 OpenCity 0:10:42
2009 | 4 Cities XL 0:10:51
2009 | 5 Tropico 3 0:11:01
2010 The Settlers 7: Paths to a Kingdom 0:11:11
2010 | 2 Cities XL 2011 0:11:20
2010 | 3 A World of Keflings 0:11:30
2011 Cities in Motion 0:11:40
2011 | 2 Tropico 4 0:11:50
2011 | 3 Cities XL 2012 0:11:59
2011 | 4 Stronghold 3 0:12:09
2011 | 5 Anno 2070 0:12:19
2013 SimCity 0:12:28
2013 | 2 Anno Online 0:12:38
2013 | 3 Cities in Motion 2 0:12:48
2013 | 4 Godus 0:12:57
2014 Banished 0:13:07
2014 | 2 1849 0:13:17
2014 | 3 Clockwork Empires 0:13:26
2014 | 4 Tropico 5 0:13:36
2014 | 5 Stronghold Crusader 2 0:13:46
2015 Cities: Skylines 0:13:55
2015 | 2 Lethis Path of Progress 0:14:05
2015 | 3 Cities XXL 0:14:15
2015 | 4 Anno 2205 0:14:24
2015 | 5 Planetbase 0:14:34
2015 | 6 Valhalla Hills 0:14:44
2016 Earth Space Colonies 0:14:53
2016 | 2 Project Automata (Rise of Industry) 0:15:03
2017 Urban Empire 0:15:13
2017 | 2 Block'hood 0:15:22
2017 | 3 Life is Feudal Forest Village 0:15:32
2017 | 4 Kingdoms & Castles 0:15:42
2017 | 5 Aven Colony 0:15:51
2018 Surviving Mars 0:16:01
2018 | 2 Project Aura 0:16:11
2018 | 3 Frostpunk 0:16:20
2018 | 4 Cliff Empire 0:16:30
2018 | 5 Depraved 0:16:40
2018 | 6 Stonehearth 0:16:49
2018 | 7 The Universim 0:16:59
2018 | 8 Atomic Society 0:17:09
2018 | 9 The Colonists 0:17:19
2019 Foundation 0:17:28
2019 | 2 Second Earth 0:17:38
2019 | 3 Dawn of Man 0:17:48
2019 | 4 Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic 0:17:57
2019 | 5 Tropico 6 0:18:07
2019 | 6 Factory Town 0:18:17
2019 | 7 ISLANDERS 0:18:26
2019 | 8 Anno 1800 0:18:36
2019 | 9 Constructor Plus 0:18:46
2019 | 10 TheoTown 0:18:56
2019 | 11 Seeds of Resilience 0:19:06
2019 | 12 They Are Billions 0:19:16
2019 | 13 Atmocity 0:19:26
2019 | 14 Ostriv 0:19:36
2019 | 15 Clans to Kingdoms 0:19:45
2019 | 16 Buoyancy 0:19:55
2019 | 17 Flotsam 0:20:05
2020 Neolithic 0:20:15
2020 | 2 The Settlers 0:20:25
2020 | 3 Ancient Cities 0:20:35
2020 | 4 Seed 0:20:45
2020 | 5 The Architect Paris 0:20:55
2020 | 6 Metropolisim 0:21:05
2020 | 7 Citybound 0:21:15
2020 | 8 Ymir 0:21:25
2020 | 9 Builders of Egypt 0:21:35
2021 Industries of Titan 0:21:45
2022 Dyson Sphere Program 0:21:55
2023.1 Aquatico 0:22:05
2023.2 The Settlers New Allies 0:22:15
2023.3 Cities Skyline II 0:22:24
2023.4 Laysara Summit Kingdom 0:22:34
2023.5 Terra Scape 0:22:44


It hurts to see Metropolisim in this list, because it promised to be fantastic, but never delivered / got released.
For some I'd say they are no city builders, like They Are Billions. That's more of a Tower Defense game. At the same time Transport Fever 1 and 2 are missing, which are way more city building than some on this list.
Apart from this, nice list to become nostalgic.

Edit: also maybe worth mentioning: Citystate 1 + 2, Urbek City Builder are some games I played and thought will be most probably on this list.


For Cities Skylines 2, you're showing footage from Cities Skylines at the end


i am not even hear half the games on this list :)

but i am missing
for example: rimworld, clanfolk, setlement survival, going medieval, stranded alien dawn, urbek city builder, pocket city ...

if Dyson Sphere Program have place on this list : factorio, satisfactory ..


u missed black and white 1 and black and white 2.
