25 Perfectly Evil And Satisfying Ways To Get Revenge On Someone Who Did You Wrong

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If someone does you wrong, cheated on you or betrayed you, getting over it and living a happy life is often said to be the best revenge on the person. But sometimes, it can be very hard to just leave the culprit without any form of retribution.

You may want to see him punished for what he did to you and when it comes to inventing new ways to revenge on someone, people can be surprisingly creative and mischievous.

To see some of the sweetest revenge people have come up with, check out these 25 perfectly evil ways to get revenge on someone who did you wrong.

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Music Credit: Church of 8 Wheels by Otis McDonald
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Thank you everyone. I now know the word I was looking for was "Teflon". LoL


When I was a young kid, one of my brothers would always breathe in my face, knowing that he had bad breath. I then noticed that whenever he did this, he opened his mouth as wide as he could. So, the next time he did this, I spat in his mouth. He never did it again.


All revenge is best when patient and well planned. Quick and destructive is never a good idea.


I put cat poop in my husband's girlfriend socks


When my ex and I split up, I dropped all of his girlfriends a nice email, introducing them all to each other and suggesting they might want to start a club since he had been cheating on me with all of them. At the same time


Being the bigger person is never any fun. Revenge is king.


When I was a senior in high school, I learned that a guy who was always a total jerk to me had been cheating off me. I told the teacher right before finals. I told her what I planned to do about it, and she was down. Our final was worth 1/2 of our grade that semester. In an effort to be quasi nice, I told him not to cheat off me. He laughed and basically asked what I was going to do about it. Game on. The day arrived and I started answering questions. The last question was an essay, and I tend to be a bit verbose (in case you couldn't tell.) He finished his test, turned it in, then sneered at me. I had just finished my essay portion, did an "oh yeah" type face...and started erasing EVERYTHING but my essay. The look on his face was priceless and not to be TMI but honestly, I think I had a revenge-gasm right then and there. To be fair, he didn't get a *zero* on the test because his essay garnered a few points, but his test was an epic fail. As an added bonus, that teacher *STILL* tells students about that incident.


Once in middle school I caught a "friend" cheating off my test. The joke was on her because I completely failed that test and knew it. That was the one time in life I was happy I failed. 😂


It's illegal to park in front of a fire hydrant. That guy probably got a fine for parking there and I doubt they paid him for the damages.


"2 wrongs don't make a right" Well 2 wrongs make me happy


Currently plotting my revenge....thank you for the ideas and the laughs, these were cute. I believe the smartest people don’t get mad, they get even (legally) while smiling 😇


Fire fighters dont have to pay for the damage. The law breakers do. The law breakers sre endangering people and property.


Devil: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!

Grandma: Hold my beer


Best revenge story i've ever

A man told his wife he wanted a divorce and told her she had a week to pack her stuff and find another place. He had it planned for his girlfriend to move in.
The wife, with no complaints packed her stuff and happily left.
A couple of weeks later, every room in the house smelt. The smell got worse and worse.
The husband and his new girlfriend replaced all the carpet, curtains and even furniture hoping to get rid of it.
The smell eventually became unbearable and the house was put up for sale.
It turned out that the wife had left a parting curtain rod was packed with fish and prawns.


My moms boyfriend talked bs about me behind my back so I rubbed his toothbrush on the toilet seat


I got the sweetest revenge on a former friend of 20 years, , , , I out lived (and pissed on his grave after telling him I was going to)


Change all the passwords to their accounts and change the emails and phone numbers they use for retrieval.


Firefighters do not have to pay for the damage as it's illegal to park in front of a fire hydrant. The hose would not be able to be controlled nearly enough if they had to go over the car.


Tristen: "Crappy way to do it"
(pause for laugh...)
"Is this 'Mike' on?'"
*rim shot


10 days left of school. 4 guys who treat me like shit when I thought they were my friends. 25 revenge tactics. This is about to be a fun ass two weeks
