Binomial Series

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This calculus 2 video provides a basic introduction into the binomial series. It explains how to use the binomial series to represent a function as a power series in sigma or summation notation.

Taylor & Maclaurin Polynomials:

Taylor's Remainder Theorem:

Power Series - Interval Convergence:

Power Series - Derivatives & Integrals:

Power Series - Function Representation:

Finding The Power Series:

Power Series - Representation By Integration:

Power Series - Representation By Natural Logs:

Taylor & Maclaurin Series:

Binomial Series:

Parametric Equations:

Calculus Final Exam and Video Playlists:

Full-Length Videos and Worksheets:
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Every time life gets hard I come here for help, and when I find out that you have not covered that topic, I just want to cry, you are great, may God Bless you for. I also wish you had Accounting.


I've been struggling with binomial series and how to write the general summation terms. But thank to you, I'm more confident with this now. I appreciate your videos so much. Keep up the good work !!!


Professor Organic Chemistry Tutor, thank you for an outstanding introduction into the classical Binomial Series in Calculus Two. Rational and Square Root Functions can be represented as Power Seies with the aid of the Binomial Series. Practice problems and examples increases my understanding of this material. This is an error free video/lecture on YouTube TV with the Organic Chemistry Tutor.


🥺🥺 I would cry rn u don't know how much u have helped me 😭😭


My tutor in all my modules am grateful


Around the 14:05 point you state that 5x4x3 is some sort of factorial. But to make it a factorial you need to have 5x4x3x2. Since you want to make the numerator have a 5! you would need to multiply the denominator by 2 also. This is why you need to have 2^(n+4) in the denominator instead of 2^(n+3).


Thank you so much. Your video is so great. The second example made me a little crazy, but I understood clearly what do you explain? Your explanation is very detailed and easy to understand.


An excellent exposition of the principles of the binomial series with many examples for reinforcement.


Excellent explanation and method of solving these problems. Efficient problem solving. Thank you, JG.


I am inpired with how u explain, , the lessons are of great quality and clear. How do u do well in sciences as well as Mathematics ?


Can you do integrating and differentiating binomial series?


From 14:00 to 22:44, instead of just saying that "we are multiplying both top and bottom side of the fraction by 2 to generate a factorial on the top" you made it as confusing as if that was a part of the way people should take for this kind of problems.

I appreciate your tutorials, they are so helpful and simple mostly. I think you were tired or not focused enough for this time (which I don't have any problem with it, things happens) but if you could at least pin a comment about this confusion it could be helpful.

I wanna thank you for your work, even 6 year from now it still helps. ❤


i owe him, patrick jmt, and professor leonard + random ass youtubers for helping me survive bio 101 and calc 2 in the span of 10 week and 6 week summer courses. im taking 4 summer courses (2 of them are 10 week (mystery literarture analysis and calc 2), other 2 are 6 week HIS101, BIO101) and i dont go to class unless attendance is mandatory even then i do homework for other classes while lecturer is speaking and generally im watching organic chemistry tutor because i spend the most amount of time on calc 2. thank you so much man, i got a 101 on my last calc 2 exam, yes 101%, and a 98% on my bio midterm which was the first half of the course in two weeks. i watched some of your videos for my bio exam but gotta thank you more for calculus stuff!


Amazing job, the best explanation I've found.


okay but can we appreciate how relaxing is his voice uwu


Great tutorial! I have a question though, if the "x" variable in a binomial series were to be raised to a power, say x^3 etc... would that change the method for writing out the sequence? A more specific example would being to use a binomial series to find the MacLaurin series of : (1+x^3)^(1/2).


come here for calculus 2 final exam next week. Thank you so much!


thank you very much. very clear and well illustrated video.


Come on you have to do a face reveal at some point.


14:35 it won't be (n+2)! as the multiplication ends at 3, there is no '2x1'. So it will be '(n+2)!/2', although this is later fixed by dividing with 2. This was the mistake that required you to later divide by 2.
