The Creepiest Hospital Ghost Sightings Caught on Camera

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From a possible ghost sighting caught on camera in an abandoned hospital to creepy footage that might show the ghost of a young girl in a Californian hospital, we look at the creepiest hospital ghost sightings caught on camera. #Creepy #Ghost #SlappedHam




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As a retired RN & being of Portuguese decent; when someone passed in the unit, if we could open a window in the room- we did. It was thought their spirit needed to escape from the open window to cross over...wild things I’ve seen in my 27 years of being a nurse


The "ghost" of a young girl at the 9:00 min mark is from a phone app that lets you insert ghosts into pictures. I used to have the app and have used that exact same image in my own pictures. There's nothing real about it.


Ive worked in ER and trauma for over 20 years and I have seen shadow people, heard someone whispering in the elevator. LOTS of creepy things. Its just expected. And I have a high sensitivity to spirit already.


I'm a retired critical care RN. One night an alert woman in her 50s was admitted with a heart attack, receiving all treatments. Later that night, I observed her looking out at the snowy courtyard. I examined her and asked her how she was doing, then sat with her a bit, because she seemed very uneasy, but reluctant to share more. She declined a sedative, but was greatful for the company. Eventually she told me that she could see her husband outside, and that every time she looked, he was closer to the window. Then she said, "here's the thing, he died five years ago". I asked security to check the enclosed courtyard, and no one was there. I was reassuring and repeated EKGS/ exams, etc. And notified the cardiologist, and stayed by her side. She said she felt fine, but that he was just a few feet from the window now. At the end of my shift, I passed on all info. Later that night when I returned, I learned that she went into full arrest and passed away in the mid morning. It really makes me


When i gave birth to my daughter there was a lady and her baby next to me in our hospital room. I didn't hear the child cried once but i saw them. I called the nurse and asked her why is the mother not feeding her baby because hours went by and I didn't hear them. The nurse told me that there is no one there and that the lady that was there previously passed away during child birth. Chills went down my spine when she said that. But i swear i saw them both. I even greeted the mother.


A long time ago I worked as a transportation orderly in a fairly large hospital for Radiation Therapy. So I would pick up a lot of terminal ill patients. I witnessed a very strange conversation with a dying patient and something unseen. Of course this could be brushed off as the hallucinations of a person heavily medicated, but I definitely felt a presence of something else. The woman asked " so I will be leaving here tomorrow?" Then she nodded as if she was in agreement with what was told to her. She died the next day.


I work at a long time ward at a nursing home, and can confirm that sometimes, especially after a recent passings, we can experience some very weird things. Smells, sounds, doors opening, alarms going off from rooms that are empty ect. Last time we were 4 workers who experience the same thing at the same time.🤷


In 1984, I was a Staff Nurse on the Neonatal Cardio Thoracic ICU at Great Ormond Street Hospital and had two experiences on night duty. I saw a little girl with shoulder length blonde hair, in a hospital gown watching me work. She was as real as an actual girl but disappeared into thin air. Other nurses confirmed that they often saw her. Another night, I was carrying a deceased baby down to the mortuary in the basement. I had another nurse with me. The empty corridors were so creepy that we were very jumpy. We heard purposeful footsteps coming towards us and we both flattened against the wall to let 'him' go by and the footsteps went past us and died away. We delivered the baby and then turned and RAN. It was extremely scary. I can remember both events as though they happened yesterday! 👻


Here's a good hospital story for you. We had a middle-aged woman pass away in one of our trauma rooms of a probable heart attack. After about 4 minutes of her lying motionless on her guerney, the attending physician declared her to be deceased. Her monitor indicated no sign of life whatsoever.

ABOUT 45 minutes after she left this world, a team of us came in to prepare her to be taken to our morgue.

Suddenly, and without warning She sat bolt upright. In a somewhat booming voice she informed us she could not breathe. (After being dead this long, it was our preference she would stop trying.) She then laid back down and, again, passed away. This time, for good.

She nearly took a couple of us with her into the afterlife.


Use to work as a CNA. Worked mainly second and third shifts. At one nursing home there was two of us on the same hallway. We saw a wheelchair roll from one side to the other side of the hallway by itself. No one was around to push it..


My beautiful grandma and stepdad died of dementia. It's heart-wrenching to hear some of the horrific abuse the elderly patients had to endure at the end of their lives. I'll never understand how humans can be so cruel!


My dad was a drug & alcohol therapist and worked in many hospitals. He said that every hospital was haunted. And that there was usually a certain room with the most activity. He has since passed btw - and I've received a few 'signs' from him since.


When I first started dating my wife over 25 years ago she worked in a basement of a 130 year old hospital right next to the morgue and one evening I went down there to pick her up from work and she had to buzz me into the area and I passed someone in the hallway and said hello and when I got to her little office I asked who her co-worker was and she looked at me strange and said were the only people in the area and she hadn't buzzed anyone but me in so who the Hell did I speak to. Years later when I was a police officer and had to go to the same morgue it always freaked me out and I heard stories from other officers and employees who saw the same person I did.


As a registered nurse for many years, I have seen and experienced a lot of unexplained occurrences. So have our security guards. My current hospital often gets a priest to bless the areas where 'strange' events occur.


As a retired CNA I have been witness to many deaths and haunted care homes. I don't think that any one of them didn't have some kind of ghosts or paranormal activity. That's drawing on 36 years of experience.


I've written about this on other videos, but I used to clean in a hospital that was haunted. My second night cleaning in the ER/Trauma department, I was alone in a room wiping everything down with disinfectant and something whispered my name in my left ear. I swear it was like someone was right against my head whispered. It freaked me out and I ran out of the room. A lot of creepy paranormal things happened to me there, too many to write here. Yes, even the nurses and security guards knew it was haunted. It didn't help that I worked the night shift and sometimes I had to clean the entire top floor alone, at night. It was usually empty because it was only used during patient overflow and for storage. Doors would shut on their own and stuff would just fall onto the floor.


I worked nights as a CNA/Med tech at an assisted living for a few years. One night I saw a woman sitting in the living room, I thought it was just one of my patients, as I went to turn on the light to help her back to bed she wasn’t there anymore… Really weird. Still get the chills thinking about it..


I have seen and experienced paranormal activity that could not be explained. I am retired now and worked my entire life in hospitals and care homes. We always opened a window when someone passed. I also opened a window when my husband passed just before Christmas.


I was in a coma for 11 days and while I was out I remember very very vivid dreams or something. They felt so real and I remember people from the dreams. I often wonder if it was something more than just dreams.


I use to drive a truck delivering wholesale foods or institutional food. In this case I delivered to a rest home for the elderly. It was in an old village called Adam's, TN home of the Bell Witch. I had to deliveries every Wednesday and part of the order involved putting some of the order in a creepy, and dark basement. There was just enough light to see creepy shadows. I always felt like I was being watched even with no one around.
