Simulating MULTIPLAYER with AI for my Steam Game Trailer! (BONUS Tip on Cameras)

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Making AI Bots for my Steam Game Trailer to Simulate Multiplayer (BONUS Tip on Cameras)


💬 Recently I announced my Steam game Dinky Guardians, it's a Multiplayer Co-op Action Automation Base-Building game.
However when I announced it I did not have any multiplayer connection enabled, the game was still solely singleplayer.
So the question is how do I simulate Multiplayer so I can showcase what the game will be in the trailer? The answer is AI driven bots.
There's many options to do that, you can make regular State Machine AI, but that requires a lot of duplicate code.
So here I went with a different approach that is extremely useful and you might not know about!

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💬 Here's a fun trick for making AI bots! Another example of how C# Delegates are awesome!

👍 Learn to make awesome games step-by-step from start to finish.


Separating player input gets you split screen multiplayer nearly for free, it's neat and simple to do and has a lot of benefits !


didn't know this existed. will be useful for my future projects!


I like the fact that there is a Song from Jonathan Coulton (The guy who made Still alive and Want you gone for Portal 1 and 2) that has the name Code Monkey


I usually use an interface with all the "get input" methods for this (something like IPlayerInputProvider) instead of passing all individual methods as delegates


I was bout to add an AI to my TRS game and I had no clue how. Now all I need to do is refactor my player scripts and do something similar to this. Thank you for the video!!


Dude! This carrying mechanic is SOOO COOL!
I said it already in another video. AHEM, I'll be trying to copy this in a project of mine.
Anyways, thanks for your videos and I hope your game launch goes well on Steam! You ROCK when it comes to Unity development!
Greeting from Brazil.


Because of this video, I realized that I am using the cinemachine system wrong, or I'm not using it to it's full potential where I need it.
I didn't know that having multiple virtual cameras will make something like a keyframe-like thing that can be use to move or animate the camera like that!
I always use the Unity Animation System when moving cameras even tho i'm using 1 virtual machine to set my target game objects. huhuhu. Thank you for the info! Great video as always!


I personally request you to look formward in making of a discord server, which will be surely usefull for our community sir :)


Very interesting, this will undoubtedly be useful to many. OBRIGADO !


Your game looks like tons of fun 😁👍🏻

Thank You for sharing the main key aspects of the A.I. Algorithms you are using. I also succeeded (..just yesterday) in extending the Turn Based Strategy Project's A.I. Code as I wanted: to make some Enemy A.I. Units to chase after the Player's weakest Unit (even if theyare reaaally far awayfrom each other).... It was a very fun logic and Programming exercise. Now I only have to playtest a little more and to add some more Validations

Your Tutorials and Courses are really good, I learned a lot in the TBS one, thank you 💯🎮👍🏻

I will be looking forward to the next Tutorials.


I wanna say u thanks, because u do really great job for unity community👍💯


Dude! In my Joust tutorial, which premiers tomorrow, I did the exact same thing! I use the same script for my player as I do for the enemies and just have a different input controller script (derived from a common base class). Great minds think alike I guess :)


What if at one point, a certain level of "AI" (with rudimentary self-awareness) will be illegal-to-be-deleted once it is instanciated on an online server (for whatever reason, if only for training/archiving), but the same level-of-AI is commonly requested to be present in ALL multiplayer MMO-like games?
Some servers would have to run without humans.
If I ever finish a SINGLEPLAYER game, its main setting will be "this used to be a famous MMO, but over time every human player just left and the AI NPCs on it just kept roaming around, occasionally being visited by asingle human players for a few minutes, and the ai is dumb-by-design with VERY few exeptions (ruling characters) who have slithly more awareness, and some RARE glitches, reminiscient of season 1 of the Westworld series.


That is really interesting! And it gives me an idea on how to accomplish something I have been working on! I also just watched your live stream for the multi-floor grid system. Do you know when-ish it will be on the udemy course? And I assume there will be no real major differences between it for the square vs hex grid system, right?


Why didn't you start the project with the network code?
Isn't it a lot of work to review all of the code, turning it from single player to multi player?
Maybe you could do a video about it


Hey this is so cool! if its possible, can you make a tutorial on the new friends unity service? I would really appreciate it.


how do you do your landscape? Do you use the terrain painter for all the games you have/are going to pusblish on steam? Or is there some other way you prefer or know of?


Will you be re-using these fake Multiplayer bots as offline helpers for automation purposes in the game itself? Or is that feature too out of scope?


Hello Hugo, just wondering why not use timeline for this? You could've bypassed all the time spent on coming up with a coding solution and writing the AI code.
