The BEST PokeRogue Endless Mode Carries!

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I hope the pokemon featured in this video give you some inspiration on what to pick as a carry for your next PokeRogue endless run, or even for challenge modes :)

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Starter cost + Passive + Egg move changes:

Original Starter move changes:

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I just tried out Jynx and Spinda on endless runs. On paper they seem really cool and you can make it work but its an absolute hassle so unless you are a masochist opt in for a different carry :)


one of my favorite carries so far been swoobat! simple + opportunist passive + calm mind + esper wing + stored power has been insane, especially when you run into many enemies with stat berries, since opportunist will give u the buffs and double them thanks to simple


You can still do a version of the tinkaton exploit for endless eternatus, you just need to fuse it with a heatran, so you have a fairy/steel type with flash fire, guving it immunity to all of emdless eternatus' moves


Shout-out to Poipole as my current endless carry with beast boost and core enforcer. Wanted to try it out after I got both shinies last event. Just want to grind more candies and still need the rare egg move.


2 days ago I managed to unlock the endless mode, I think that thanks to this video I will be able to reach high levels easily without so much level difference.


Dude thank you so much for this I had no idea exadrill could be such a good carry and he happens to be my 1 epic tier shiny Pokemon. This really helped a lot!


I used ghold as my endless carry for metal burst strats. I talked in some streams about using it and being sad that it was nerfed and the streamers laughed at me. Good to see someone else agrees that he was the goat


couldnt wait for the vid after you leaked spinda on stream a few nights ago, did not disappoint as always! great video, probably going to use spinda in classic now lmao


Keep videos like this coming! Maybe update it monthly so we got new ideas on carries to run~

If not for you I'd never had thought that sushi looking mon is usable


Inteleon is my go-to carry for classic mode. Costs 1 when fully candied, can single-handedly take out Rayquaza and Eternatus with frost breath, and Water is a great defensive typing. Most grass types get taken out by frost breath or aeroblast, and most electric types are frail enough that if you can outspeed them you can just OHKO them with Snipe Shot. Top Tier pokemon.


A lot of folks sleep on Palkia, but it gets origin pulse as a spread move and once you change it to its origin form it absolutely shreds. Speed boost passive is a little redundant but helps a ton early on. Hardest thing about it, is finding a good fusion partner that improves upon what its already working with.


This video will definitely help me.

Despite me hating the way endless is currently, I definitely appreciate seeing pokémon that are not Legendary actually work

Time to try out Delphox 😅


Been using darkrai instead of gold and it’s been using it amazingly


Honey gather is also very useful at 4k+ in endless to have infinite cash each round when you reach the cash limit


Tapu Lele is my favorite because of two spread moves (heat wave and expanding force) and gets sheer force and psychic surge plus it learns nature's madness for the endgame fights


I've always used Beedrill as I'm my friend group's dedicated Bug Catcher. Even without mega he's strong, pretty fast and gets access to some insane egg moves


I would also highly recommend dracovish, it has triple axel ans dragon hammer as egg moves which can sweep the early floors but the main reason is his signature move fishious rend which with its strong jaw ability 95% of the time 1 hit ko's anything. It dose take some building but it's a very fun run once it gets going


I think Arceus is very good too even if it is 9 cost. Arceus can adapt to almost anything because of his hability. Multitype and the plates that work with it you can change type at any moment you got access to extreme speed and sword dance, judgment for covering and astral barrage as an eggmove, and if ever comes an update that adds the leyend plate, you are serve as it changes your type the most optimal and super effective example is Against ghost type you are going to be a dark type not a ghost type as it has a weakness against it self


That spinda I had an epic Shiny and it carried me halfway into my mono normal run, and it with Mega kangaskhan was a lifesaver


I use mega beedrill for a carry. It has huge attack and speed stats, thousand arrows, and pin missile, which gets more chances for kings rock and grip claw, and the way boss health barriers work makes pin missile does more damage than stronger moves. Plus, the abilities are adaptability and tinted lens. Lasty, you can boost attack with fell stinger.
