Gentrification Explained

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“Gentrification Explained” is a short video that unpacks what gentrification really means, getting beyond the buzzword. The video addresses what led to gentrification, what gentrification looks like on the ground, and the impact of gentrification on communities, including displacement.

So, why did we make this video? Gentrification is complex and needs some explaining. To understand it, there are three key things to consider:
1) The historic conditions, especially policies and practices that made communities susceptible to gentrification.
2) The way that central city disinvestment and investment patterns are taking place today as a result of these conditions.
3) And the ways that gentrification impacts communities.

We need to help ensure that as new investments take shape across our cities and regions, these investments generate healthy and equitable opportunities for everyone.

Produced by: UC Berkeley Urban Displacement Project, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, and The Great Communities Collaborative, an initiative of The San Francisco Foundation.
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