A 2000 Pound Laser-Guided Bomb was used by F-15 to Bring Down Iraqi Mi-24 Assault Helicopter😱💥...
People complain about updates being unpolished, gaijin takes the time to polish update, people complain about update taking too long
Maybe if we launch it from low orbit we can finally penetrate the Object 278's armor
imagine trying to get this bomb in air rb without any air to air weaponry
To test it's post penetration damage you should try putting a 15 second delay on the explosion to see what the "impact" of the bunker busting abilities of the bomb actually do
i wished they would like, make this have special stats like massively improved damage on bases for example to make it useful for air RB, as rn honestly it feels subpar on everything :((
Ah yes, the anti-WW1-era-battleship bomb, gaijin. Exactly what we needed.
The new vehicle destruction effect when you drive over cars should apply to tanks whenever they get hit directly with a big enough bomb. I want to create more pancake tanks
Gaijin is doing everything but releasing the update 😭
ohh boy will be exquisit Carrier buster in SIM
now we just need the GBU 28 bunker busting bomb for the F15E and f111, for reference the GBU 28 was made from an 8 inch howitzer barrel
Me: We even don't have bunkers in g-
The whole Swedish ground techtree and OBJ 278: *exist*
Those pillbox in denmark sim gonna be easy.
But all in all gaijin really needs to add this to other trees as well.
I was excited to see bunker buster, and there was hope that it'd be the GBU28's on the F111 and F15. I was saddened to see this wasn't the case
When I played I always thought that a little blue zeppelin is holding the bombs.
★전장의 아이돌★
엔젤릭 "벙커" 버스터, 출동~!
(단 2발)
I appreciate the novelty things like this in the game. Not everything has to be effective as long as it doesn’t detract from the rest of the game. Things like the nighthawk and the flamethrower tanks are perfect things to have outside of the main tech tree (wether they be squadron vehicles or premiums)
So an air dropped APHE* shell basically.
It's been a month since the first devblog☠️☠️
If theyre gonna add bunker busters they should make them more effective against bases. Even though thats kind of nonsensical, bunker busters are meant to strike stragetic targets from high altitude so, kind of like napalm, it should have some kind of bonus for being used in that fashion. Or, Gaijin could implement new targets at top tier. But i wouldnt hold my breath for that lmao
What they're good at (probably)
Quattro - offroad/grip
Xdrive - handling
4matic - safety