For those who don't know Monstcr got caught cheating red handed in H1Z1 and has yet to perform on LAN even close to how he performs online in infinite.
The real question is why is a player even eligible to be a pro when they were already caught cheating in a different game? There are plenty of other sweats just as good as monster.
Brad was giving him all the chance in the world. Didn’t say he was cheating in this clip, bro literally let the other guy make himself look dumb. Bro said be a man and stop ducking the question protect apg
APG risked being called a sore loser to even bring this up, so he had to strongly believe that he was walling. After watching this clip is basically confirms it.
“You could’ve jus plead the fifth” broo 😭😭🤣
APG's reaction after he says "I dont know why I do that" is just perfect. I am still not convinced the other dude was cheating but that moment was pretty comical.
I don’t know much about this dude but it’s definitely a bit strange how his reticle goes straight onto 2 different players. If it happened once you could call that a coincidence but twice is a bit weird.
Oh shit bro!!!! He sees them spawn and looks straight at the player that spawns behind green . Theater mode already shows them through the wall but where he looks matched exactly with theater modes outlines and he looks exactly where button C is.
Is there a full video of this somewhere?
Look at where he placed his reticle its the biggest indicator in apgs argument if hes camping mid in a tight spot like that why aim at the wall its not like hes low shields or anything waiting to regain it. its a bot like play to sit there and look back and forth. In my opinion hes either walling or just a strange play on his part.
best thing would be to hear team comms in relation to this clip. Definitely kinda seems like he's getting information/walling as he looks around. But depends on what his team is communicating.
If this clip is the proof then its nothing. If you sit in a corner or above vent like that and randomly look around and then turn on player outlines then you might also end up scanning over outlines that you don't know are there. This just seems like randomness to me and yeah, head-casing. Asking someone to explain why the looked from left to right as if its a "gotcha" question is real dumb. ngl
The end there... his team has vision and coms on c and nest and yet he still leaves his blindside completely vulnerable when's its the only direction of concern while landing conveniently on the optic player through the wall down in mud (not up where a players head would be right in front of him)"idk why I do that". Right...
Can you post all of this ? I need to know more about what happened
Soooo….he gets in vent, he looks left with his reticle at the ready just in case. Justifiable … but why not do the exact same thing when going back to the right? Instead its on the vents wall, not ready at all, looking right at muds outline. Shady.
I might be talking out my ass here - to me it looks like he is playing for audio. Its a weird rat spot but the shift onto the second guy looks like he thought someone may have been coming through bottom (maybe he hears/was told the guy is bridge) and he was setting the reticle up if he chose to drop.
Is this cheating? I don’t see it? What is so suspicious? Love APG but idk you need more than that to try to say someone is cheating. Players make hundreds of micro movements that don’t necessarily have a purpose from moment to moment, that can be seen as “suspicious” in hindsight.
this was just one example. He was doing shit like that in a ton of games / series. Pretty SUS
I only see him looking right and then looking left. What am I missing?
I do that every game, doesn't mean some one is cheating. Jesus