DR. MUNDO MINI REWORK 2022 Changes Preview - League of Legends

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DR. MUNDO MINI REWORK 2022 Changes Preview - League of Legends. Mundo is soon getting some pretty big changes, with buffs and nerfs to all of his abilities apart from Q so far.

🔴Outro music if the outro is used: Johannes Bornlöf - Skyfall 1

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For what I understand, Mundo mains overall like these changes of gaining more resilience, but losing dps. Although the w is still problematic.


The late game is where I enjoy Mundo the most since his original rework and this makes it better, but Mundo top is almost always going to lose early 1v1s without the missing health damage E and if you go 0/2 top you are basically done. Maybe Jungle Mundo will come back with a fast clear but Mundo is fundamentally a juggernaut and this reworks him into a tank. Yes I know he builds tank items but with no AD to make up for basically being forced to build frostfire this forces him to be a tank only. Riot keeps doing this where champions have to be only 1 thing and are never allowed to be another, Lucian mid removed, Lee Sin mid removed, they make Rell attack at 0.5 attack speed so she cant leave support and it always makes the pick rate worse because people dont like being forced to play the game their way. Mundo is going to be just another tank now, do nothing early game and hope you can support in mid game, except with no damage AND no crowd control he cant, it would be like playing malphite without malphite ult


that 25% missing health insta heal from ult is huge this is so nice


Feels like they are partially reverting Mundo.

It just makes me feel that they thought he was boring and tried to make him "fun" by replacing his damage sponge playstyle with a more juggernaut-like behavior, but it backfired since now he doesn't work that well and can't compete with neither fighters (no mobility) nor tanks (no cc).

Which is funny to think about. Mundo only really worked because of how simple (mindless) he was, once you add just a little bit of complexity (new W and passive) he starts to fall apart.


I'm a mundo main and overall I like the changes but there's one huge flaw imo. Mundo feels like he only has 3 abilities. His w is in contention for the worst ability in the game. This is a nice buff but the ability itself is still trash and feels really out of place.


This is a good change. Give tanks more tankiness with a bit less dps


im quite sad about losing bonus AD in R


The E looks like it's going to be nuts for full build Mundo, the W is still dogass they somehow managed to make it even more moron proof, the problem isn't hitting it on someone for the heal back the problem is the stats are complete ass even when the ability is maxed. The passive looks like an overall nice change but the ult man, they can't keep fucking it up like this.

Mundo's entire identity as a champion is supposed to be an unkillable late-game healing tank, they gutted his healing overall and gave him stupid damage and turned him into a health scaling bruiser if anything. FFS any assassin or adc that builds lifesteal like yasuo, yone, samira, nilah, also some other champs like sylas, zac, aatrox to name a few, have 4x the healing as Mundo currently.

Now they are taking away the ad and you'd think they would give him his healing back but they give some missing health return which helps, yes but it's still dogshit. Also keep in mind all his shit scales with building hp and most meta champions right now have percent health damage or build percent health and shred him like nothing. Don't even get me started on Fiora, Vayne and Master Yi who can do percent health true damage.

At this rate all Mundo will ever be good for is being a lane-holder with how safe his early game is, so a champ to pick when you just don't want to int and get carried, and a low elo stomper because everyone in gold and below can be easily abused with better macro and game knowledge.


Pantheon Q bonus damage to monsters.
Mundo E bonus damage to monsters.
Riot wants all champions in the junglr.


Very excited for the changes...them aiming for buffing his late game is a good direction..his W still feels useless though..and the ad on ult change...not sure about that ...XD. living on the edge, having 7 billion ad and baiting people with ult, spacing with 1 hp is what mundo is for me, not just another malphite with no cc . Jungle changes are good, but I hope they're not at the cost of him being viable top. Love this champ, hope they can pull this off and give us promising changes like the taliyah ones..especially to his W..🌟💜


W should always recover 100% gray health. It is a defensive ability that does piss damage and isn't even as good as other defensive abilities, like Sion W.


What about udyr? We will have news today?


WELL, I've said my opinion in both reddit and Discord, but I'll say it here again. I love thins changes and I thought that old Mundo worked like this, BUT this changes will cahnge winrate and make Mundo strong earlier. Also, it is not said in twit, but W will count selfdamge FINALLY!


sadly there still no sign of this mini rework :(


Skarner crying in Corner while waiting for his Rework.


Idk... I prefer 3 buff... Q is fine, as an opener... But in reality his old e was best spell in the game... Conqueror mundo, with titanic, and hp items and his e. Bam!


I hate it so we going to change him from a juggernaut to a tank and make him team dependent hard pass




Late game Mundo already nearly unkillable time to make him a late game champion overall he needs this update....Riot logic.

Like bro I'm a Vayne Maine and there's been so many games where I've had anti heal and been full build and a mondo with 2-3 items still out heals her dmg so I'm either suppose to retreat, die or just let him have a free lane....he really doesn't need to be updated for the late game....riots literally just killing league their ideas and idea of what balance is is shit...lol
