When did you realize your 'nice' coworker was actually a total creep?

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W boyfriend for not jumping to conclusions and staying calm


You didn’t learn the hard way you learned the lucky way


Sometimes the only barrier between a regular person and a monster is whether or not they think they can get away with being the monster.


I'd sue for sexual harassment on top of that because he took a private picture, not just a normal picture of her.


Creepy story but can we talk about the boyfriend not jumping to conclusions? They must have a great relationship if he can trust that she isn’t cheating on him.


It’s sad but as women we always have to be on guard. ALWAYS, stay safe ladies. Be aware of your surroundings and all people.✌️❤️👍


thats sooo creepy dude. also, props to the boyfriend for being as chill as he was!


I was at the time 17 and him about 45. He asked me to live with him in his house in the woods and was touching my leg while asking. I was so scared.


I try my hardest to be that nice co-worker, I'm married and have had many female co-workers as friends

I've gone on lunch "dates" with them so they can vent about their relationships.

i've gone over to their houses on lunch just to hang out and get away from the office.

As I'm the IT person i've had access to their phones and personal computers too many times to count, and I never would ever think to look through their stuff (unless it was a data transfer and then I would find a couple random folders to make sure the data transferred over correctly so they don't lose any data).

I don't know how anyone would even try to get into their co-workers stuff that's just awful.


This a good example of how things can end up in the 'Nth room case'. They are always people you are close with, not those you don't know.


And that's why you just trust no one, happens to my gf all the time "oh this girl at work is so nice" and then she finds out she gossips about her to others and comes home sad and dissapointed, just don't trust anyone at work with your life, not worth it, you ain't friends, just coworkers and that's it


Standard rule of life. Never allow pictures or video of yourself you wouldn't allow your parents or grandparents to see.The internet never forgets


holy shit that's horrifying. it's good her bf trusted her to figure this out and not jump straight to conclusions.


Also remember this works both ways, just because someone isn't 'nice' doesn't mean they are a bad person by default.


When they started asking out all the girls and started hanging out with the ones not of age outside of work


Don't trust the nice people
Believe me, I've dealt with enough


Yea this is why I always have my phone on me at work. Idc if the rules say we can't I don't trust anybody. Had too many close calls with weirdos for that.


A sort of fun, co-worker and I had a good work bond. Thought he was just this funny guy who made a few jokes every once in a while that were mildly sexist, but just on the tolerable side of "ok". They still made me uncomfortable, but since he was higher up on the work ladder than I was and they weren't directed at anyone in particular, I put up with it. Then those jokes began to take a turn. They started getting more targeted towards me, until he flat out made a joke about my chest while I was stretching. I wear clothing at my job that almost completely flattens that area, so when I tried to give him an out by commenting on how there wasn't much to see, he disagreed with me, and told me he "liked it". That comment was bad enough, but what really made me uncomfortable was the fact that he was old enough that he could have been in my own grandfather's age group or maybe even older.
I told a coworker I trusted, who in turn told my boss, but nothing really happened to punish him. He hasn't made any more comments, but I honestly can't stand it when I'm left alone with him.


I actually have a story for one of these. I had a coworker, I'll call him Dean. Dean was a really fun guy, always making jokes and letting me ramble about my current favorite thing during shifts, and in general making it seem so much less boring and painful than customer service is prone to be. There was a time when we had stood outside and he offered me advice since I had been struggling with college at the time. He was a hard worker and easy to talk to.

Come to find out the week he got fired, he was trying to use our boss's 13 year old son as a way to get involved with her private life, not taking no for an answer, truing to force himself on another coworker, and in general causing problems for the women in our store.


Don't be too friendly don't trust them and don't let your guard down. with people who claim to be nice people liars and schemers and backstabbers use that excuse