HTML Absolute vs Relative File Referencing | HTML Basic To Pro | 2021
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this lesson we'll explore absolute verse relative file referencing the concept is best illustrated with an example in our last exercise we inserted a video into our each page we did so using the video element which required a source attribute we've worked with the source attribute when inserting images as well the source attribute requires that we specify the source location and name of the file we want to insert into our document since the files referencing the path of the file is defined relative to its directory now see for example we wanted to insert an image into this document from an external source.For example another Web site altogether for that we need to use absolute file referencing an absolute file path requires that we include the complete address of the file as shown in this block of code that I'm about to insert here we've included a jeep and file from an external website.Plan wallpaper dot com.The fool you are L2 the file is required for the image to be displayed because it's from an external source.So now if I refresh the page we can see that the image is output it in our web browser.Here is the URL to the image and you can see that it's displayed in the browser when we access it.And so that's all there is to it when it comes to relative versus absolute file referencing.
this lesson we'll explore absolute verse relative file referencing the concept is best illustrated with an example in our last exercise we inserted a video into our each page we did so using the video element which required a source attribute we've worked with the source attribute when inserting images as well the source attribute requires that we specify the source location and name of the file we want to insert into our document since the files referencing the path of the file is defined relative to its directory now see for example we wanted to insert an image into this document from an external source.For example another Web site altogether for that we need to use absolute file referencing an absolute file path requires that we include the complete address of the file as shown in this block of code that I'm about to insert here we've included a jeep and file from an external website.Plan wallpaper dot com.The fool you are L2 the file is required for the image to be displayed because it's from an external source.So now if I refresh the page we can see that the image is output it in our web browser.Here is the URL to the image and you can see that it's displayed in the browser when we access it.And so that's all there is to it when it comes to relative versus absolute file referencing.