Don't Waste Your Money On These 35 Overhyped Makeup Launches... (+ application footage of ALL 35)

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00:00 Intro
01:12 Complexion
05:25 Concealer
13:07 Powder
14:59 Bronzer
22:10 Blush
30:23 Highlighter
32:27 Mascara & Brows
34:30 Lips


✖ FTC: This video is not sponsored. Products marked with an * were gifted to me in PR. If you decide to purchase any products from this video, it would mean SO much to me if you used my links. This gives me a small commission to continue to purchase new products to review for you all on this channel. Thank you so much for your love & support!

✖ Disclaimers: I am not a dermatologist or medical professional. My channel is a space for me to share product reviews based on my personal experience and/or research, not to diagnose. My videos should never be a replacement for guidance from a medical professional. You should always seek guidance from a medical professional or dermatologist for any and all concerns, questions, and needs.

♪ Storybook (Prod. by Lukrembo)
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I get so tired of some of the influencers saying they are so OBSESSED with everything that they are trying. Very few people are honest anymore, I appreciate that you are honest..🌷🌷


100% agree ! It seems like most influencers say everything is life changing.


Preach girl!!
I feel like there are NO honest reviews anymore. Even in the Sephora app. Every review the other day when I was researching was marked as “incentivized”! Who can be trusted!??!!


That’s one of the reasons I have not watched many videos because of everyone loving everything, no honesty anymore but just a few left that I watch.❤


Women are currently being told that shiney, glowy skin looks good on EVERYONE. I'm a professional interior designer, and here's what I KNOW. Shiney finishes like glossy paint highlight imperfections on any surface! Including skin. ONLY put the shine on the areas where your skin is smooth. Use matte finish in areas you have wrinkles, like around the lips and crows feet around eyes. Save the glow for cheeks. JMHO


This video is so good. I love “what ingredients do you have to make claims like this?” So blunt. My kind of girl.


I’m so not the demographic for these anymore I have like 10 makeup items… BUT I did get the Milani lip stain after seeing it on you in a recent video… oh man… it’s absolutely beautiful. Love that you keep it real. Too many people are just shilling absolutely everything. It’s played out. You’re amazing. 🤗


Everyone is so OBSESSED with the TirTir foundation and it looks so heavy and cakey on everyone


For y'all who like honest makeup reviews and tutorials Robert Welsh is the guy! He's also a professional MUA. I'm also totally over people saying "obsessed", "shook", "life-changing", etc. especially when they take sponsorships out the ass for the money and not because they love it.


As soon as I hear something is “life changing” “greatest new product” “must have” ; I usually swipe or click off. I am know longer interested in it because these are the new buzz words most companies pay influencers to say, and ends up being a very disingenuous review of a product. So few actual product reviews are honest because the influencer doesn’t want to be taken off the PR list or are contractually bound to only give a positive review. Doing this has made it really easy to pick through new launches I actually want to try. Love this video! Can always trust you’ll give an honest review !


Don't mind me, just commenting for the algorithm, which I'm totally OBSESSED with!! Everyone should definatly RUN DON'T WALK and get an algorithm before they're sold out


The Tarte Creaseless concealer has been my favorite since I tried it in 2018!!! I have been SO shocked that no one talks about this. It’s been fave for 6 years now and I don’t even have Sephora where I live, but I still pay for extra shipping just to get it. It never disappoints me. It shows in my fine lines, but never creases even after 12 hours. Really recommend


I find it interesting that so far in your video, all the companies use young models. Not one woman is 40 and over. For me that’s a turn off. Wonderful video!❤


I actually loved the DM Yummy Skin Concealer on you! It honestly looked a bit better than the Haus Labs one, just judging off of what we see on the screen though.
Absolutely love her products!

Thanks for always being so awesome and honest Abbey!

Also your subtle liner looks freaking gorg in this!!


I lol’d at your intro. It’s so true!! Everyone raves about everything, it seems. How about some nuance, people?!


I'm at 52 seconds... YOU ARE AMAZING. I appreciate you and your perspective, your ability to keep it real and your thoroughness... I see I have over 40 minutes to learn just how much I DON"T NEED. Thank


I think so many people have forgotten that they can admit that things are just okay. It doesn’t have to be amazing or horrible.

To me that’s the most likely outcome for most products since brands keep releasing product after product so they can say they have something new, not necessarily something unique. I also think that’s partially our fault as consumers who tend to chase the newest shiny thing.

I’ve heard the CT stick described as the Hollywood Flawless Filter in a stick. So I guess it gives you a choice for delivery but otherwise it’s not really new at all.


I’m obsessed, SHOOK, you’ve changed my life!! 😂 all joking aside I do find your reviews the best/most helpful on YouTube. Especially videos like this when you go over a bunch of new products. It is incredibly helpful because as much as I love make up, I don’t wanna have drawers of it that I never wear. keep it up girl. ❤


I mean, what looks fine as a bronzer for you would pull fully orange on people with cool undertones... Now that the brands started coming out with cooled bronzers, I finally can buy a one that looks fine on me. We need both in the bronzer shade ranges


I so appreciate your critical, honest reviews and demos! You're one of my top channels I trust for sure! Also, love that hairstyle on you!! ❤
