5. Job analysis and job design.

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What is job analysis and job design?
Today’s question to be answered is as follows:
What is the difference between job analysis and job design?
Befero going forward, let’s review the definition of these two closely related terms.
Job analysis is carried out by analyst in order to evaluate and determine the knowledge, skills, abilities, duties, roles and responsibilities as well as tools and equipments and working conditions and environments required for the job to be done.
Job design, on the other hand, is carried out in order to outline and organize tasks, duties and responsibilities into a single unit of work for the achievement of certain objectives. It determines the methods and relationships that are essential for the success of a certain job. In simpler terms it refers to the what, how much, how many and the order of the tasks for a job/s. Job design dictates the manner in which work tasks are arranged to arrive at the maximum efficiency and optimal outcomes.

Let’s compare these two terms based on four perspectives such as aim, core focus, factors and timing perspectives .

By the “Aim” perspective: job analysis investigates and identifies the duties, task, responsibilities, skills and knowledge, essential qualifications for a certain job profile. On the other hand, job design focuses on integrating the requirements and needs of an employee with the objectives of the organization.
By the “Core focus” perspective: job analysis focuses on gathering all the information to curate the job description and job specification for the recruitment process. On the other hand, job desing focuses on deciding the content of a job and aligning it with the organisational goals and ensuring job satisfaction and better working environment for the employees.
By the “factors” perspective: : job analysis covers comprehensive information pertaining to the job description, recruitment and selection process, compensation and remunerating employees etc. .On the other hand, job desing covers comprehensive business objectives as well as how to boost the morale of employees, provide them with a better quality of life and working environment.
By the “timing” perspective: Job analysis takes place before the recruitment process starts to ensure that the job description and job specification are well-structure to get the best possible candidates. On the other hand, job desing takes place after the recruitment process as the core focus is on the existing employees and how their performance can be improved and a better job satisfaction can be facilitated.
Now it is time to ask this question:
Which one is first? I can assure you that it depends on your situation.
When you the job analysis is carried out, someone assigned to it, Job design follows job analysis. But after a while, job analysis is carried out due to the fact that business, customer expectations and market changes rapidly. As you see it a chicken-and-egg problem.

I would like to mention about job desing methods shortly. There are four methods we can apply in our businesses in terms of job desing such as (job simplification), (job rotation), (job enlargement) and (job enrichment) .
Let’s review the typical questions we ask for each job desing method.
In job simplification, Can the job be done simplier than before? If yes, how it can be done?,
In job rotation, how can we motivate the employees by assingning them into the different roles and jobs within the organization? If yes, at what periods should we keep them in that role?
In job enlargement, can we increase skill varieties of employees? If yes, how can we increase? Can we give them a broader range of responsibilities, accountability and autonomy?
In job enrichment, Is it possible to add additional motivators into the role? Is it possible to let the employee have more autonomy in decision making? Is it possible to let the employee incrase task significance and task identity?
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I found the best answer for the difference. Thank you. 💖🙏


Doktor, you are the best specialists. I have ever met . My biggest respect for you 👍
