We Can Finally Explain the World of Little Nightmares (Little Nightmares Theory)

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Little Nightmares has a very mysterious world and lore, which until now has been very tricky to pin down. Now thanks to a brand new audio series titled 'The Sounds of Nightmares', fans are able to decipher the dark secrets of the Nowhere realm. Watch on for a recap of this new audio series story, as well as a new theory as to how the world of Little Nightmares functions.

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So... it's kind of like a realm of perception based on the balance between abusive adults and abused children? The adults have the power first but they're unchanging and feed on the children, but as the children survive they lose their fear and eventually grow into even worse monsters. But as we saw with The Thin Man and Six's horrific transformation in Little Nightmares 2 the abused can very easily become the abuser.

A cycle of pain and agony for all time.


The world of little nightmares is so horrifying and yet amazing at the same time and I love it, I can’t wait to see what they do next with the franchise.


The world of Little Nightmares is the kind of world that even with answers it still remains so unknowable


I believe SiSi (CeCe?) could be the Girl in the yellow raincoat (from VLN) the way Otto reacted to the raincoat suggests that A YELLOW raincoat is familiar to him in some way


It puzzles me how the Ferryman can think bringing kids to the Nowhere is protecting them. Maybe it was a dreamlike paradise once until the adults started forcing their way inside and turning into monsters?


It was actually really fun lore theorizing with everyone else in the comments of the podcasts.


I think that The Ferryman is still a villain here, using manipulation tactics to trap Noone in The Nowhere, rather than actually intending to help her. I also believe that Cici/Sisi/Cece (not sure if there’s an official spelling) might actually be the girl from Very Little Nightmares, remember that Six didn’t start out with her raincoat.

Edit: I added my thoughts about The Ferryman.


I love Otto as a villain.
A man so desperate to find his lost sister, that he doesn't realize what may have got her there in the first place.
The Nowhere lures kids who feel sad or like no one cares for them. As seen with how Otto puts Dreams first, Noone second.
Otto is causing kids to go to the Nowhere by trying to find it.
Which his terrible determination may have been what caused Cece to accept the Ferrymans offer.
Otto is what makes a good villain, terrible person, understandable goals, but puts goals over what's right.
Little Nightmares writers are so good!


Scene Selection
0:00 - Intro
0:59 - The Sound of Nightmares: The Story Explained
6:49 - Explaining the world of Little Nightmares
11:58 - The Six Connection
12:52 - Outro


I'm not so sure Six is Otto's sister, simply because the yellow raincoat didn't originally belong to Six - in Very Little Nightmares, the Girl with the Braid had the yellow raincoat first. Then this Child in White gets it.

And while a lot of people suspect they are actually Six, I doubt think so as not only is their an (albeit unused) model of this child in the code of Little Nightmares 2 called Child05, whereas all Six models have her name in their title. This model is identical to the Child in White from VLN - white tank top, white shorts, straight black hair with straight bangs. It's distinct from Six's model. And this could explain why Six only gets the raincoat midway into the Pale City.

Who's to say if the raincoat even belonged to the Girl with the Braid if it was in the chest?

It seems like this little yellow raincoat has been passed around quite a bit. And nothing but misfortune follows.


Something that wasn’t really touched on was the fact that, in episode 6, while noone is hiding in the chest, she sees a yellow raincoat, and Otto perks up a bit when she says this. Also thinking that the woman she’s hiding from might be the pretender (or something related to her) and this is before very little nightmares. Bonus note: every place in little nightmares 3 is described in the podcast


Hey, man. Thank you for suggesting the “the sound of nightmares” series. It's really great (and congratulations on helping in an episode) ❤


I really hope we get to learn more about why 6 betrayed mono in the feature little nightmares game. There are so many good theorys out there but i wanna know the cannon one

Edit: guys I appreciate the time you put to explain what the fandom thinks but I know every single one of them. I just want to know the "canon" reason


I just want to say... I LOVED 'The Sounds of Nightmares', and to hear that episode six was the last while I was listening at work had me a little upset. I want more, so dang badly! It was delightfully dark, and I was expecting to have a couple more to look forward to. You did an incredible job writing for those episodes, and I really hope Bandai Namco does more like this, and taps you again!


I was not expecting this video. I didn't think we'd have enough information for a while


The podcast gives off some Lovecraftian vibes and I think it works quite well with the world of Little Nightmares.


I don't know if Six is Otto's sister. Many people have theorized that Cici may be the protagonist from Very Little Nightmares, because while Six did have the raincoat, she wasn't the first one to have it.

She had gotten it from the girl with the braided hair who was killed by the little girl antagonist at the end when they both fell in the water.

If that was Cici, then Otto will be crushed when he finds out she's no longer alive... But if Cici _is_ Six... Then he may be in for a surprise when he heard about what happened with Mono and the Maw...


I definitely don't think Otto is the doctor, there aren't really any threads connecting them besides their roll as people who are supposed to help. The doctor is a cosmetic surgeon, while the counselor is a psychiatric sort.


I kinda feel that sisi could be The girl in the yellow raincoat because Otto seemed interested when Noone said she saw a raincoat which could be hinting that his sister could of worn a raincoat a lot or something similar since he does say yellow when Noone mentioned it and the girl in the yellow raincoat is the only character besides Six that we've seen wear a raincoat


I'm so incredibly happy that they didn't make the dream theory true. That was my one worry with the podcast series, and it seems pretty clear that its not the case. I mean it has to do with dreams obviously, but its not exclusively a dream. :)
