Keaton Henson - You (lyrics on screen)

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''And if you must die, sweetheart, die knowing your life was my lifes best part.''

This line alone makes it a masterpiece.


Heres to the ones who don't love themselves but still try to make someone else feel loved, to the ones who'd choose someone elses life over their own without hesitation and to the ones who have been broken but still treat others with kindness


The morning after I killed myself, I woke to the warm hues of morning, I got out of bed in the same way I had done for years. The morning after I killed myself, I took a bath scented with lavender and vanilla and picked out my favorite clothes to wear.
The morning after I killed myself I stood at my bookshelf, running my fingers over the well worn spines that bound my childhood and rearranged my souvenirs and trinkets that I had accumulated over the years.
The morning after I killed myself I watched my mother as she sat on the porch, drinking her coffee and pretending that all was well despite the fact that her invisible tears still flowed.
The morning after I killed myself, I visited my friend. Who sat and watched the pastel sunrise, dreading the fact that she had to live another day without my presence.
The morning after I killed myself I saw my sister kneeling before my grave, reminiscing over the pointless quarrels we’ve had, saying that she loved me all along.
The morning after I killed myself, I realized then the reasons why I shouldn’t have.


I had a friend who was kidnapped and never found. He taught me everything about having a true friend and I am always reminded of him whenever I hear this song and in the line "if you must die, sweetheart die knowing your life was my life's best part" has always brought me to tears because that simple sentence summed up everything about our friendship. It has been a long time since he left my life I still "fight with yourself and your thoughts in the night"

He was a fighter. They pronounced him dead after a few short weeks. Just Live.


"And if you must leave, leave as though fire burns under your feet."

I love that line. I don't know about anyone else but I love that line.


"If you must die, Sweetheart, die knowing your life was my life's best part."

This line hit me so hard. I instantly started crying. This song is absolutely extraordinary.


"If you must fight, fight with yourself and your thoughts in the night"

that cuts so deep. this song is so heartbreaking


I have hated myself all my life, I am a 52 year old man, I fear everything, I hide from everybody, my reason for living is to make the people around me happy, I haven't spoken to anyone ever about this, this song has made me realise my thoughts and nightmares are what many people have, I am grateful for the great comments regarding people's individual pain and how they help others around them, why is life so friggin difficult, I need a life map.


My friend Skyped me at 2 in the morning, she turned her camera on and was standing on her chair. I instantly knew what was happening and begged her to sit and talk to me. Once her face was in the camera, her eyes were swollen red as she sobbed.. I knew she didn’t want me to tell her that one phrase I tell her all the time, “Please think of your family..” I rather then grabbed my guitar, not caring if I woke up my dad and played her this song. She cried harder then I have ever seen.. the next day she Skyped me and told me she loved me..

She’s a sweet heart. Thank you Keaton for saving her with your poetic music.


the way he sings the first "mourn" breaks me


To my Internet friend who I couldnt stop from leaving this earth


I have the lyrics "Just live" tattooed on my arm referencing this song. I think that the line "if you must live, Darling one, Just live." helped me through some pretty tough times.


I have the words "die knowing your life was my life's best part" tattooed on my left upper arm on the inside. This song is one of the most beatiful songs I know and that line reminds me of my dog that I had for 15 years of my life. I miss her every single day, but her life was definitely my life's best part.


I have the tattoo on my rib cage “if you must die sweetheart, die knowing your life was my life’s best part” in memory of my late husband of 24 who passed 5 yrs ago. I cry every time I hear this song. He never knew how perfect he was and what an impact he left on this earth. If only he’d fought harder to not listen to those voices, my lord what an amazing life he would have had and 48 yrs was not nearly enough time for him.


Aw so many sad stories down here. My heart goes out to everyone


To my mother who was my world and left my side.
“And if you mist die, sweetheart, die knowing your life was my life’s best part”
because it truly was.💔


This song doesn't​ make me feel sad actually. It makes me feel creative, it gets my creativity flowing in my brain, I love it.


I don't know you. You don't know me. You could be going through hard things just like me. I don't know.

But know that you aren't alone. There are people out there that care for you. Fate led you to this song, that led you to read this. And this is telling you that even if you don't see a light at the end of the tunnel, that doesn't mean it isn't right around a bend.

Stay strong, my friend.


One does not simply have the ability to write these lyrics without being emotionally scarred in some way ;-;


I loved a boy named Scotty, but abuse threw a rope around his neck and pulled him away from me. I loved two black cats who loved eachother too, but a rainy night of tears and one was left alone with me. I loved two dogs, to play and love them, but neglect and tragedy carried them like a river downstream to another owner. I loved a girl named Vanessa, but heartbreak from all that I'd seen made me turn back to friendship. I loved a person who I never saw the face of, but soon enough she'd disappeared and I was left alone again.

And a hand sprawled itself out in front of me. With a voice I couldn't hear she said "Come with me."
She wrapped a bandage around my shattered heart, and as I walked with her hand held we found the little tiny bits and pieces of it and began to put them back together.

I'm fighting anxiety's monsters and tragedy's wars that they keep sending toward me so that I can love her. And I will not let anyone or anything or any place or any time drag her away from me. Because when someone reaches a hand out to you for help, I've learned from experience to take it.
