How we got rid of our stuff (family minimalism)

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We've said in the past that we got rid of 80% of our stuff to become minimalists. How did we do this and what did we do with the stuff? We'll talk about it today, along with how family minimalism has improved our life day in and day out!
B E T T E R T O G E T H E R F A M I L Y G R O U P :
– Support to build strong families with healthy relationships!
– 4 video posts each week by the leaders with helpful information, encouragement, tips & support
– Weekly Facebook Live Q&A sessions with the leaders & other guests (Replays available for those unable to view live). Questions may be submitted prior to the session or during it.
– Weekly group focuses with weekend challenges, games & prizes!
– A behind the scenes look at what goes on in our day to day family life
– The ability to share your progress, questions & wins- we CAN’T WAIT to celebrate with you!
– The opportunity to ask questions specific to your process & family
– Content organized into “units” so that it’s easy to find and re-visit
– Weekly Highlight emails so you know that you didn’t miss anything important :)
H E L P F U L H O L I D A Y L I N K S :
EASY Minute to Win It Games:
Awesome Bundt Cake Recipes:
Make a Bundt Cake Gift Basket with Printable Recipe Card:
SUPER EASY Graham Cracker Gingerbread Houses
Family Advent Devotional:
EASY & Cheap DIY Photo Canvas (Make this for under $5!):
DIY Family Christmas Photos on your cell phone:
What Teachers REALLY Want for Christmas (written by a teacher!)
55+ Elf on the Shelf Ideas with Dollar Tree Props!
Start a New Elf on the Shelf Tradition (Special & Meaningful!)
C U R R E N T L Y R E A D I N G :
M O S T P O P U L A R O N O U R B L O G R I G H T N O W :
#minimalism #familyminimalism #minimalist
M O S T P O P U L A R V I D E O S R I G H T N O W :
📺 P O P U L A R R E L A T E D:
🛍 Affiliate links:
B E T T E R T O G E T H E R F A M I L Y G R O U P :
– Support to build strong families with healthy relationships!
– 4 video posts each week by the leaders with helpful information, encouragement, tips & support
– Weekly Facebook Live Q&A sessions with the leaders & other guests (Replays available for those unable to view live). Questions may be submitted prior to the session or during it.
– Weekly group focuses with weekend challenges, games & prizes!
– A behind the scenes look at what goes on in our day to day family life
– The ability to share your progress, questions & wins- we CAN’T WAIT to celebrate with you!
– The opportunity to ask questions specific to your process & family
– Content organized into “units” so that it’s easy to find and re-visit
– Weekly Highlight emails so you know that you didn’t miss anything important :)
H E L P F U L H O L I D A Y L I N K S :
EASY Minute to Win It Games:
Awesome Bundt Cake Recipes:
Make a Bundt Cake Gift Basket with Printable Recipe Card:
SUPER EASY Graham Cracker Gingerbread Houses
Family Advent Devotional:
EASY & Cheap DIY Photo Canvas (Make this for under $5!):
DIY Family Christmas Photos on your cell phone:
What Teachers REALLY Want for Christmas (written by a teacher!)
55+ Elf on the Shelf Ideas with Dollar Tree Props!
Start a New Elf on the Shelf Tradition (Special & Meaningful!)
C U R R E N T L Y R E A D I N G :
M O S T P O P U L A R O N O U R B L O G R I G H T N O W :
#minimalism #familyminimalism #minimalist
M O S T P O P U L A R V I D E O S R I G H T N O W :
📺 P O P U L A R R E L A T E D:
🛍 Affiliate links: