Part 2: Woman Tries to Come Back After Affair I've Made a Huge Mistake!

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Think your partner might be cheating? Uncover the truth with Cheater Buster:


In the continuation of the emotional SWAT TV show saga, Bonny returns to her partner Victor after being dumped by her lover. Filled with regret, she pleads for forgiveness and tries to rekindle their relationship.

However, the Victor Tan remains resolute, responding, "You made your choice when you betrayed me. You can't just come back when things don't work out with someone else. Trust is broken, and it's not that easy to fix."

Watch as the Bonny grapples with the consequences of her actions and Victor stands firm in his resolve not to be a second option.

Will there be a path to forgiveness, or is this the end of their story?


Think your partner might be cheating? Uncover the truth with Cheater Buster:


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Whenever a cheater starts a sentence with "Remember", interrupt her with "Remember when you fucked another guy?" "Remember when you cheated on me?" Nostalgia is the number one weapon a cheater uses.


She only came back because the other guy didn't leave his wife and dropped her.
He would always be second place in her eyes


Good for him. Leave and don't look back.


About 25 years ago my wife left me and our daughter for a close family friend. I had no idea what had been going on. Three weeks later he ended it and she came back. I let her sleep on the couch and arranged for her sister to take her in. I've remarried to an incredible woman and we are dreamy happy and my ex is deep into some nutty cult. Best decision I ever made was not taking her back. A lesson to all.


The fact she didn’t answer his question about her getting dumped says it all. Cheaters only come back when they think you’re their last resort. SMDH!!!


Dont waste your time looking back. You're not going that way.
-Ragnar Lothbrok (Vikings)


First off, it was not a mistake. It was a choice. She chose to be a selfish, self-centered moron (I’m being nice about using that word) and decided to disrespect and betray her husband in the worst way by cheating on him. It was also a choice to continue the affair for 6 months without any thought of revealing it. Second, did she really think that the AP was going to commit to her after she had an affair with him? That's delusional. The moment you cheat, you can no longer be trusted for future relationships because you've shown to be fickle. Third and lastly, after everything is said and done, was it worth losing everything for some selfish, short-term pleasure?


Forgiveness is Divine. But that doesn't mean you keep doing wrong.

Divorce her. And be done with it


I hate when cheaters try to be civil about it. Its like what did you expect to happen, what was your plan.


Cool video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her.


Great video, This past few months has been an eye opener for me, the one I love, the one i cherish still Left me, I lost alot of friends because of her, she often said they were bad influence on me, and she still left me, i still love her and that is what hurts the most. Love sometimes is unexplainable and cruel


She broke trust. She's no longer trustworthy. 'Nuff said.


"I love you"...Never listen to what a woman says. It is her ACTIONS that says it all. If he stays, it is only a matter of time before another Chad gets her attention again and she will cheat. Never show weakness, women can smell it. Never put her on a pedestal because nice guys finish last for a reason. The nicer you become, the less respect she has for you. Hate to say it but girls love bad boys and they can't get enough of them because bad boys bring chaos and instability to her life and that excites her.


I forgave my wife of 14 years. It only delayed the inevitable and we ended up going thru the same painful drama 3 years later with her cheating on me the same guy.


She said "we", ok yeah she's right. She messed up by cheating for 6 months and he messed up by haveing faith in her. He made the cood call.


Number 1 rule that every father should teach his boys. Women cheat with the hearts first, then their bodies. Forgive her and absolutely walk away. For her heart strayed and will never be the same.


Cheating isn't a mistake. It's a choice


This clip shows a true woman. Does what she wants no matter who she hurts and when that blows up in her face, she goes back to guy #1 and assumes that he will just happily take her back. How typical.


Nope! You get ONE chance. After the trust is broken, they’re done.

Start over with one who’s smarter.


There's nothing to think over. Cheating is the worst insult someone can receive or give.