6.5 Creedmoor vs 300 Win Mag - B.S. Exposed

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Can the 6.5 Creedmoor really beat the 300 Win Mag? I uncover the truth on this episode of Ron Spomer Outdoors.

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Who is Ron Spomer
For 44 years I’ve had the good fortune to photograph and write about my passion – the outdoor life. Wild creatures and wild places have always stirred me – from the first flushing pheasant that frightened me out of my socks in grandpa’s cornfield to the last whitetail that dismissed me with a wag of its tail. In my attempts to connect with this natural wonder, to become an integral part of our ecosystem and capture a bit of its mystery, I’ve photographed, hiked, hunted, birded, and fished across much of this planet. I've seen the beauty that everyone should see, survived adventures that everyone should experience. I may not have climbed the highest mountains, canoed the wildest rivers, caught the largest fish or shot the biggest bucks, but I’ve tried. Perhaps you have, too. And that’s the essential thing. Being out there, an active participant in our outdoor world.

All loading, handloading, gunsmithing, shooting and associated activities and demonstrations depicted in our videos are conducted by trained, certified, professional gun handlers, instructors, and shooters for instructional and entertainment purposes only with emphasis on safety and responsible gun handling. Always check at least 3 industry handloading manuals for handloading data, 2 or 3 online ballistic calculators for ballistic data. Do not modify any cartridge or firearm beyond what the manufacturer recommends. Do not attempt to duplicate, mimic, or replicate anything you see in our videos. Firearms, ammunition, and constituent parts can be extremely dangerous if not used safely.
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I own both calibers. While I love the creedmoor, there is no way it can hit harder than the 300WM.


Ron, you are one of the few who actually understands ballistics. I completely agree with your comment about using the correct bullets for task. I have heard a lot of people trash talk a cartridge just because they were using a bear bullet on deer or vice versa.


Good review Ron, thanks. I live in the Yukon, and my 300WM does it for all the game we have here, from bison, grizzly, elk, moose, caribou, and more. Cheers


Good comparison! You might have used the 300 WM with 200 ELD-X. It would have proven your point even better. I've used the 300 WM for 47 years and it's never let me down with coyotes, pronghorn, deer, elk and caribou. Your comment about momentum is so valid and most You Tubers don't mention or appreciate its significance.


Used to have a 300WM which I ran with a Sierra 240 grain BTHP with a BC of over .700 at 2690 fp/s. Shot like a laser, hit like a freight train.


Where I hunt, 300yrd is a long shot, I'll stick with the proven performance of the 300wm. It's proven to me to consistently anchor Moose every time, .... the CM, stick to the target range...


I started handloading for the .300WM almost 30 years ago. I went through all the reloading books I could and decided on the 180 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip and have never seen the need to change. I load that bullet over a healthy charge of Reloder 22 and get outstanding velocity and most of all accuracy.


Never owned a Creedmoor but I have been in love with a 6.5x55 for almost 40 years. Works like magic on deer without the massive meat destruction that I have seen from my more powerful 30 calibers and magnums. That said if I got an elk or moose tag I would opt for a 300 Win mag any day. Just choose the right tool for the job and anything larger than deer a 30 cal (or 35 caliber) comes into it's own IMHO.


Excellent video Ron. Personally I would not feel comfortable shooting at game beyond 300 yards. There are just too many unknown factors (like crosswind variation downrange) and I always want to ensure a clean kill. Also, no matter what cartridge you're shooting, you always have more energy the closer you are to your target. Hunting should be hunting, not military sniping.


Kudos to you dispelling the myth. I knew it sounded funny. My first custom was a 6.5x55 improved on a Mauser action. I loved that rifle and miss it greatly.


200 grain 300 WM Terminal Ascent BC is .608. Another jump in long range retained energy. I never heard the creed is more powerful than the 300WM and enjoyed your presentation Ron.


Love it. So many people are obsessed with the 6.5 creedmoor when in fact it is not the kudos of cartridges. It is just something new with a lot of hype which has generated a lot of sales without strong justification.


Really like your videos Ron! I've shot 14 bull elk in 20 years with a 300 win mag-200 gr Nosler partition-range 10 ft to 300 yds. 6.5 creed is a target round-300WM is pure hunting round-no comparison but a lot of fellers don't realize that . Thanks for All the good info-keep it up pard!


Thank you, as always, for your insight. We don't all have your experience to go by, but as we venture in to choices, it's helpful to have guidance.


I run both, and I love both of them. I have a Tikka T3X CTR in 6.5cm and Sako S20 in .300 WM. I wouldn’t get rid of either one, and they both do great for my hunting here in the Deep South.


Im excited for this one. I’ve stuck by my 300 win mag through thick and thin.


.300 win mag, all day EVERY DAY. There is no substitute.


Depends on what I'm hunting. For whitetails and such, pretty much anything works. If I'm going for bigger stuff, there's a .338WinMag (I don't have a .300WinMag).


🤣 Reminds me when they tried to convince us that the 6.8 Western would "outperform" the 7mm Remington Magnum! ☹ But, companies and people never lie (🤥), do they? 😜


I love 6.5 but you can’t argue with the increased range of 300
