Stanford students help change three strikes law

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Stanford Law School's Three Strikes Project, the only such program in the country, helped change the California statute on repeat offenders and is now working to ensure the policy is implemented fairly.
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When ex-cons try to find work, they are usually turned down. A felony will follow you for life. Employers believe they're so far beyond reproach they can pass judgement on applicants who want to pull their lives back together again. The State complains about recidivism but the law allows discrimination and punishment forever for crimes committed years and years ago. God bless the ex-con who's really trying.


"one day" does not explain three strikes. Note carefully that 3 is not the same as 1.


While I don't quite think that's how this law works, (since jaywalking would be on the level of a speeding ticket) I understand the concept of what you are saying. And I agree that a person should not be punished again for past crimes. BUT, if (a big IF) the justice system is to dissuade crime and criminals, then the stakes have to be raised for repeat offenders. What level of punishment will stop their criminal habits? How many chances should they get while innocents are at risk?


Tax supported Stanford University gets repeat felons out of jail and back to your community to commit more felonies. Hear them brag about it here.


Stanford 3 strikes project
please jump In and fight for those guys on the prop 57 now.


When I was a kid, if a did something that I knew was wrong, I got a whooping. I never did it again (whatever it was). Let's say I decided to make the same mistake twice, oh I knew I really deserved what was coming. I am not a lawyer or anything close, but if you commit a crime three times (and get caught), you know you are in trouble. It is not like the sentencing is a surprise. It is pretty simple, 3 strikes and...


For all those who think that once a criminal always a criminal. I sure hope that one day you don't get drunk and do something stupid, one day you might need someone to understand that you aren't that way "normally",

It is a pity that you think that people are automatically going to go and rape or molest children. I can't imagine what you think when you walk down a busy street.


I lol and agree. The prison/legal system definitely needs rehabilitation itself. I have the impression that the prison system is training camp for criminals to get better at crime rather than rehabilitate. I don't even have a problem with Standford trying to help SOME of the offenders. What rubbed me the wrong way is how the woman from the video thinks that the small amount of meth was no big deal. If it is illegal, people try not to get caught and bad things happen regardless of the amount.


Yes they are bragging about getting someone off from a life sentence for something that would normally be a misdemeanor. Those who as you say "rob and rape" are not the ones that these students are going to be fighting for.


I honestly do not know how successful it has/hasn't been. But I do believe that doing the same thing and expecting someone to react differently would be too optimistic. I think the "ultimate" sentencing would work, but there is obviously a threshold before this point.I know the video is only a clip, but only meth, pot or cocaine 3 times means the offender isn't convinced to stop. Life absolutely not, but a much greater penalty is certainly warranted. Maybe life with parole opportunities?


I agree with you but understand that the US has a "Legal System", not a "Justice System", there is a big difference. In the legal system, truth & justice are irrelevant, it is about following or enforcing the "law" no matter how good or bad, fair or unjust, etc. the law is written. It is a play of lawyers, word meaning, sentence twists, rhetoric. Remember these famous words: "...I'm gonna say this again, I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms ..." It is sad but that is the way it is


Where are the 3 strike laws for the guys on wall street. They almost collapsed the world economy.


Pety theft is now the new normal. Life sentence makes sense is some instances.


The three strikes law has been in affect for some time. So far, in your opinion, do you think that it has worked? If yes, then you are sadly misinformed. If no, then I have to ask, what do you think would convince a criminal to stop.
This video is not talking about a serious felony being let off, he is talking about possession of meth, pot, or cocaine. Something that normally would only give you county time, which is under a year. They need to figure out someway of giving the time for crime.


my brother is in jail right now with 2 stikes don't have money to represent hime he need help falls statements against hime he could face lots of time in jail only 30 years old no one has helped him


@ 1:16. What does she think he did with the rest of the meth?
