Driving In Germany: Roundabout Rules Explained

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This Video footage explained Roundabout Rules in Germany.

Roundabouts, in our days, have become a kind of standard solution for intersection design in urban and in rural environments.
But how do roundabouts work ?
Who has the right of way in a roundabout?

In Germany the rules are that the vehicle inside the roundabout has right of way and the vehicle entering has to yield or give way.Drivers must follow the prescribed driving direction to the right at the roundabout.
Indicating is necessary only while leaving the roundabout and not while entering the roundabout. WATCH THE VIDEO FOOTAGE FOR BETTER UNDERSTANDING....
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Imagine a roundabout with four points of entry and exit, at 90 degrees from each other. In Norway it has become common to signal an intention to make an exit to the left of the entry point (270 degrees) by putting on one's left turn signals before entering the roundabout. This gives a warning to a vehicle entering the roundabout from the opposite direction (180 degrees). In summary: A right signal before entering indicates an exit at 90 degrees. No signal indicates an exit at 180 degrees, a left signal indicates an exit at 270 degrees.


Keep making this driving tips rules. It helps a lot of new drivers in europe


🎉 love your content and help. For Especially who cannot understand perfect German.

I'm learning now and hope 😅 i get the license soon 🔜


I speed up, close my eyes and hope for the best. Is that not standard procedure?


Is this for people with no driving license... Haha
