Andrew Li, USA, Math, Finalist: 2020 Breakthrough Junior Challenge

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I love how he's explaining math but was reading the fault in our stars. Well at least that's what it seemed like.


This was great. They def have something against people who choose math


The problem is that infinity doesn't exist in our finite world. It's an imaginary concept like the number 0.
You don't say that there are cats in the room and the number of cats is 0. There are no cats. Same thing with Infinity. We can postulate an infinity to describe the size of the ever expanding universe. But even then, at a given time, the universe has a size. The size of the universe is not infinity but a specific number.

Thus, I have to disagree with what is said in the conclusion of this wonderful video. Infinities in math is a condominium. There are rules and proofs but the realities of infinities can not be applied to our physical world. We can postulate and imagine an infinite beginning of the universe and an infinite end, but is that true? Or Did the universe pop into existence? And maybe it eventually have a finite end?


This is great explanation. I was actually thinking of doing this topic for next year, seems like I need to thing of something
