Top 10 Programming Books-Dead Tree Edition: Internet of Bugs Book Club + I prove(?) I'm not AI!!

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As requested: This is volume one of my programming book recommendations: Dead Tree Edition: The 10 books (or book categories) that have been the most valuable to me over the last 35 years:

00:00 Intro
00:43 Channel Intro
00:53 Book Relocation and proof(?) I'm not an AI...
02:34 The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt and Bob Thomas
03:40 The Mythical Man-Month by Fred Brooks
04:20 Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers
04:42 SQL for Smarties by Joe Celko
05:39 Get a book on Assembler for your processor of choice
06:44 Get a textbook on Algorithms you can look stuff up in
07:46 Transaction Processing by Jim Gray and Andreas Reuter
09:05 TCP/IP Illustrated Volume 1 by W Richard Stevens
10:35 Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment by W Richard Stevens
11:56 Firewalls and Internet Security by Cheswick and Bellovin
13:39 Find the new technology (LLMs?) for your time that Firewalls were for me, and learn it.
14:49 The theme: Learn the underlying tech your code lives on, not just the surface level
16:52 Sign off

Books (in no particular order - mostly):
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Wow. OpenAI Sora is getting more and more realistic.


Oh, great, 10 new books to add to my reading backlog. Many thanks!


Your closing comments about understanding how the underlying systems (tcp, transactions etc.) work is GOLD. I’ve been a software engineer for about 20 years and that has been my strategy; it’s served me well. I’ve come across very few others that have spent time doing this


This is a great list of basics to know. If you don't know the basics, you'll often struggle implementing efficient services on top of those basics. If you're writing any service that's accessed over any kind of network, you absolutely need to understand how routing works, how TCP works (and what its performance characteristics are), how latency affects request timings, and especially: DNS. Otherwise you'll write services that are slow to access, that break down in a lot of circumstances, or you'll spend a lot of money trying to use hyped technology to solve issues that you don't really understand.
As a 30 year veteran of programming, sysasdminning & devopsing in all of those fields I love the TCP book recommendation, and for similar reasons I also love the SQL recommendation. Top notch advice here.
To the younger or less experienced ones: there's a TON of hard-won knowledge out there that you can benefit from! Use it!


Lets see... There are at least 3 solid reasons why you cannot be an AI:
1. All of the books in the list are really, really good.
2. There is no Fowler/Martin lunacy here.
3. All of the advices that you said are actually correct and useful. Its almost like you are talking from multiple years of solid software development experience. Sounds crazy, I know...
Subbed, you definitely earned it.


Discovering your channel was one of the best things that happened to me this semester, looking forward to learning from you.


I like that your top picks seem to focus more on the development of processes and problem-solving approaches. It feels way more useful than someone just proselytizing their favorite paradigm because they've only worked in one problem domain.


Thank you for the book recommendations. I’m not a programmer myself but I really enjoy listening to people who are passionate and competent in a given topic. I hope you keep making these kinds of videos🙌


Thank you! I was hoping you'd make a book recommendation video


Great list! Also, I love Mars Congressional Navy shirt from The Expanse!


you are the senior mentor we all need on the Internet. Your vids are packed with a ton of resourceful guides !!!


The self-referential ironic joke leading into the intro is actually the proof that convinces me that you are no AI almost.


The Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series contains many of the most informative and useful books in all of software engineering. The majority are more than 10 years old, some more than 15 years old, a few are more than 20 years old, yet nearly all remain shockingly relevant today...


I was worried it was going to be another softball list, but there's Mythical Man Month right near the top. And assembler recommendation and networking! Good list!


I love your channel. I’ve been recently recommending you to my colleagues at work 😊


This video is gold for a newer programmer. Thank you a lot!
I would like suggest this content to all junior developers or students, but also for me reading or refresh these topics could be fun and valuable again.


I love your channel. It’s been giving me hope for this industry in these difficult times.


This was great, Carl! Definitely looking for more of these videos!

I got excited the Thomas Cormen's green book, it was the one that we studied in college. Overall, I like how your advices on going deep and into the "core" parts of programming and software. It's crazy how, these days, one has to convince people that it's important to understand algorithms and data structures, OS, computer architecture, and such topics ... even if one wouldn't go deep into them.


Not much to say just commenting for the algorithm, thank you Carl, I feel we have about a billion things we could learn from you. Cheers


My first programming book I got as a kid was Type and Learn C by Tom Swan. Came with the Borland Turbo C++ 3.0 IDE on a 3.5" floppy that ran on MS-DOS. It was perfect, and I was very fortunate since I randomly picked it up at a bookstore and convinced my parents to buy it (I didn't even know I needed an IDE or a compiler). I was very young. Fourth grade.

I suppose my very first programming book came from the school library that same year. I don't remember its title, but it contained only BASIC source code for a number of programs that drew and animated various ASCII art on the screen, with a Halloween theme. I adapted them to QBASIC and then wanted to learn "real programming" and got the other book I mentioned on C.

It took me some years to understand the C book, and I was especially stuck on pointers and why they were useful (those were introduced in chapter 4 of that book, if I recall). One day it clicked for me, and my programming knowledge blossomed from there.
