Online Training - Couchbase 103 - Data Modeling

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Learn the fundamentals of creating data models with Couchbase including JSON strategies, common key patterns and handling and various differences from RDBMS systems.

What will be covered during this training:

Differences with RDBMS
ORM's and ActiveRecord
Simple vs Complex Data Types
JSON serialization/deserialization
Key Patterns
Advanced Operations
Dynamic Schema Change Strategies
Document Tips that help with Views

DEMO: Create a User Model, dynamically change the schema through iterations, social login
Рекомендации по теме

question 1: ur comparison between RDBMS join vs multi get, is not comparing apple to apple, I believe multi get in RDBMS vs couchbase are same.

question 2: couchbase doesn't support transaction, in this case having a reference document is not atomic

I believe this are 2 major corns of choosing couchbase
