Hangar13 Army Chinook Pilot Flys Sonex Aircraft - Dennis Crabtrey

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Hangar13 Sonex Aircraft | Army Chinook Pilot Dennis Crabtrey talks with us about his purchase and flight home of his Sonex A VW powered Aircraft
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Good looking plane Dennis, congrats on the purchase! 👍👍👍 I remember seeing this one posted. Love the lift strut on the canopy as well. Just remember, you'll never be done polishing. 😉 A legacy Sonex is a very roomy single seater when sitting in the middle, I enjoy it. For those wondering a Sonex is a very docile taildragger, "dance on the pedals" like Dennis said and she'll keep straight. 3 point landings are slow enough that a ground loop shouldn't be a concern. That being said, don't expect the same handling if the field's reporting 15G25.


The Sonex is by far one of the easiest tailwheel airplanes to control. I had the center control in my Sonex and many times I would straddle the control, then use the outside rudder pedals. Worked great as an extra large single seat airplane.


Very nice clip that was very enjoyable. Thank you.


Microphone handle is awesome, love it 😀
Great idea to do series like that btw


Watching this video, and realized I've seen this plane before. It's listed on Barnstormers for sale right now. I would like to try a sonex one day.


Great idea for a new addition to the channel! I'm going to be starting a BD-4C project in about a year from now, once my home build and relocation to just South of you in Franklin County is complete. I'm very interested to hear the experiences of other builders and owners.


Love those little birds. I had one with a jabby 3300. That thing with scream. Just too much trouble out of that motor, I got rid of it about a year and a half ago.
Waiting on a friend of mine to finish his he is talking about putting a Viking 130 on it. He will flood probably 50 hours and sell it so I’ve already got my bid in on it. He also does the single seat when he builds his.


That little plane looks like double the fun for the investment 🙂 I wonder if the v-tail jet version could be configured as a single seat like this? And what sonex would recommend for maximum airspeed & horsepower for the airframe because a dual jet engine set up to make the sonex look like a baby a-10 warthog would be badass


Love it! Just started building a Waiex B myself. I’m really gonna like this new series.


Great interview Bryan in your Hanger 13 format. Keep up the great work.


Great episode... I like that it came out just in time to watch during lunch break If only you did a story on a guy who had a lancair.... who do I know... oh wait.. ME! lol


Brother Bryan the rate at which you are producing content is impressive.
This is a very interesting and enjoyable subject-format. Like meeting the interesting pilots/aircraft-owners around the airport.


Finally got to this. We think this is really cool. We got a lot out of the interview (gutsy guy). We look forward to the next installment


Hey i wish you'd asking that guy what he's thinking of next and a bit about his aviation journey.


Hey, keep up the good work. I'm seeing you more and more and I think it's going to really "take off" for you. Love this up front and personal with the pilot and his plane.


I think the best part of this is only one seat, so I don’t have to fly with Dennis again...😜😜 Great interview and cool airplane. I am still amazed you fit in it! I am watching a friend build one of those up here at PAFA too.


You are really good at this man Keep it up.


Nice episode. I look forward to heading your way soon. Or you could come to Milton to see my CruZer...


Love the single seat arrangement. If i build the kit i have it will be powered with a corvair engine


Did Dennis say his nice shiny plane got a folding wings as an Onex!!
thanks for the video
